127. I Found Him!!!!

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The person on the other end of said with a voice distorting machine, "Room 202, Building 11, Grace Garden, Hill Road."

As soon as he finished speaking, he hang up, leaving the sound of beeping.

Stanley immediately took his bag and said to Miley, "Mrs. Moore, we got the news. Let's go."

Miley stood up quickly and ran out, "Where is Daren?"

"Grace Garden."

Miley was much relieved.

She finally knew where Daren was.

Miley followed behind Stanley and got in his car.

The car speeded up all the way to Grace Garden.

Stanley found Building 11 and went upstairs with Miley.

At the door of room 202, Miley took a deep breath.

She was really afraid that she would see Daren's body when the door was open.

'Daren, you must be alive.'

Miley push open the door.

They heard the door creaked open and came in the apartment.

Fortunately, they didn't smelled anything dead.

Miley and Stanley exchanged glances and split up.

Miley open the door near her.

She saw Daren on the bed directly opposite the door of the room.

He was fast asleep in panties with a quilt on his stomach.

Miley breathed a sigh of relief.She whispered, "I found him."

After Stanley ran over and saw Daren, he was also relieved, "Thank God."

Miley walked to the bed with heavy steps, and put her shaking finger under Daren's nose to check his breath.

She was sure that Daren was only sleeping.

Only then did she feel reassured.

Miley suddenly collapsed onto the bed.

Stanley wanted to support her, but Miley waved her hand, "I'm fine."

Stanley stood back and saw Miley lying down beside Daren.

She held him in her arms.

Daren's eyelids twitched at this moment, and then he opened his eyes.

He was so surprised to see his mother, so he wrapped his arms around her neck.

"Mom, you really found me. I told that you definitely would find me."

She pulled Daren to her bosom, tears running down her cheeks.

Stanley found Daren's words quite strange.

Just as he was about to say something, Miley signaled him not to ask with her watering eyes.

She patted on the back of Daren's head and said, "Daren, why are you hiding in such a secret place? How did you find this place?"

Daren excitedly freed himself from Miley's embrace.

However, he saw Miley crying.

"Mom, why are you crying?"

Miley wiped away her tears, picked up Daren and began to dress him.

"Mom is too excited. Do you know how difficult it is for Mom to find you?"

"Mom, you are silly. It's Mr. Moore, the man who quarreled with dad before. He brought me here. He told me he was my grandpa. He said dad and you came back from G City, so he brought me here."

"I was worried that dad and you didn't come to me yesterday. But grandpa said that you would definitely find me, because parents and children were connected to each other. So I stayed here and waited for you in the past two days."

Stanley looked at Miley in surprise.

Miley smiled at him and helped Daren put on his shoes.

Miley held Daren's hand and went out.

She said to Daren seriously, "Good boy. You are better at playing hide-and-seek. But remember, you can't go with anyone else without my permission. Are you clear?"

Daren nodded.

As Miley took Daren out, Stanley looked at Miley in confusion, "Mrs. Moore, why didn't you just..."

"I don't want Daren to feel scared or have a horrible memory about it. Stanley, call Kenneth. Also, call Amy later to tell her to be careful when she talk with Daren."

"I see, Mrs. Moore..." Stanley nodded.

"Please wait for a while in the car."

Stanley got in the car after making the call.

When they came back home, the entire family welcomed Daren with smiles.

Just like nothing had happened.

Daren went upstairs to see Beck.

Miley waited for Kenneth downstairs.

Just as they arrived home, Jeffrey and Hannah came over.

They also did not sleep for two days, waiting for news about Daren.

Now that Daren came home, they definitely would come and see him.

"It was said that Kenneth went after Miller."

Hannah jumped up and shouted, "Nonsense. Does Kenneth want to enrage him?"

"What if he is in trouble?

"Kenneth doesn't look like such an irrational person."

"Miley, call Kenneth and ask him to come back."

Hannah urged.

Miley was really scared by Hannah's words.

She hurriedly took out her phone and dialed Kenneth's number.

But his phone was off.

"How could he turn off his phone? Kenneth always keeps his phone on 24 hours a day."

Miley looked at Stanley anxiously.

Stanley also called Kenneth, but only to find that his phone was off.

Miley was at loss.

Her mind went blank.Hannah bit her finger.

Her brain was racing.

She looked as if she was a businesswoman who had everything under control.

Hannah bit her lip and said, "Miley, call the police. I think it would be best thing for Miller to stay in prison."

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