18. To ... Take Revenge on You...

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Maisie asked, worried, "Did you say anything too much to Rose?"

Yates said calmly, "I've had my say, but that's not too much."

"Then why did you say that they won't be together for long?"

Yates put down his teacup and said seriously, "Rose doesn't love Bob. She said that she would work hard, but do you think it will work? Bob is devoted to love, but he isn't stupid. If Rose can't fall in love with Bob, do you think Bob will be content? A couple who don't love each other can't be together for long."

That was the reason.

Maisie smiled and snuggled beside Yates, "But my thoughts are different from yours."

"Oh? Tell me."

Maisie smiled faintly and said, "There is a saying that if a couple really loves each other, no matter how much distress and hardship, they can overcome and finally be together."

Yates patted Maisie's leg and said, "Then they have to love each other, just like you and me."

Maisie shook her head, "I am a woman. I know women. Rose may not be able to accept a new relationship for a long time after she has been hurt once. But women are easy to be moved. As long as Bob wants to live with Rose all his life, do you really think it's impossible for Rose to love Bob with Bob's personality?"

"That idiot Bob also chased after Rose before."

Maisie shook her head, "It isn't like that. Some women just behave quite well. Rose liked Zion first, so she refused other men who liked her. It is to give Zion a sense of security."

"But what if Rose gives up on Zion and gives Bob a chance to get along with him? I think ... Bob and Rose are a perfect match when they sit together. I like them quite a bit. Yates, we've agreed to be open-minded parents, right?"

Yates looked at Maisie and smiled warmly.

Yates nodded and said, "You have a point. I listen to you."

After leaving the Stock's villa, Rose immediately asked the driver to take her to the company.

Clinton's Group's financial situation did not allow Rose to delay any longer.

On the way, Bob asked, "Yates told you to leave me. If I didn't show up, how would you plan to deal with it? Would you promise him or reject him?"

Rose smiled, "I was going to say that I wanted to discuss it with you and listen to your decision, but you came in."


Bob overheard at that time and felt that Rose would agree to Yates.

Rose nodded, "Although I don't have much ability, I can still keep my word. I said before that it's up to you whether we divorce or not. If you don't say it's over, I won't quit!"

Bob raised his eyebrows and said proudly, "Alright. You know it quite well. Keep it up."

Rose looked at Bob's handsome face and smiled, "Bob, Yates ... loves you very much."

Bob couldn't help but laugh, "Of course."

"Then ... don't go against Yates because of me and say those bad words. He will be sad."

Rose recalled the bad words she said to her father when she opposed him for Zion.

Rose even wanted to give herself a few slaps.

Bob raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you think what I said to Yates today was too much?"

Rose nodded, "Yates looked bad."

Bob said calmly, "When Henry met me alone, what he said to me was fair and gentle. However, Yates treated you like this. It's not that Yates didn't know that you were also someone else's darling daughter and that it would hurt you by saying this, but Yates still did it. Yates did something wrong, so I opposed him with you."

Rose stared at Bob for a moment, feeling grateful to him.

It was also at this moment that Rose finally understood that truly loving someone was different from showing off.

Bob's love for Rose was a blatant preference.

And what about Zion?

Someone ridiculed Zion's parents when he was dealing with business outside.

At that time, Zion did not say a word. It was Rose who came forward to curse for him.

And Rose was reviled as well.

However, Zion did not defend Rose.

Instead, Zion advised Rose to be calm and not to hurt others' feelings....

Rose thought she had been still too stupid and paranoid in love, like an idiot!

Bob touched Rose with his elbow and said, "What are you thinking?"

Rose came back to her senses and smiled at Bob, "I was thinking about what you said just now. It's different between Henry and Yates. The Clinton family is the beneficiary in our marriage, so my dad is very grateful to you and will naturally be kind to you."

"But the Stocks and your parents will be laughed at because of me. So, what your father said is nothing. I don't think he went too far."

When Bob heard this, Bob raised his hand and poked Rose's eyebrows, "Rose, cheer up. Don't be bullied and slap yourself. This is not like you. I asked you to marry me so that you can be as jolly and frank as before. I don't want you to be a slave. Do you hear me?"

Rose exhaled and looked at Bob.

In the past few days, Rose felt touched too many times for Bob.

Bob looked at Rose, smiled and asked teasingly, "What, are you touched again?"

Rose smiled, "Bob, actually ... I really want to ask you, why ... did you choose to marry me?"

"To ... take revenge on you."

Bob smiled wickedly at Rose, "Your taste is bad and you rejected me. I want you to know what a bad taste you used to have and what real marriage is."

Rose looked at Bob gratefully and said, "Thank you, really."

The car happened to arrive at Clinton's Group.

Rose calmed down and smiled at Bob, "I'll go to the company. In the evening ... I'll try my best to go home early."

"Alright, call me if you need anything."

Rose nodded and opened the door to get off the car.

Rose took a deep breath and walked into the company.

It was a field that Rose wasn't completely proficient in.

However, for herself and for the sake of her father and the thousands of employees of the Clinton Group, Rose had no other choice but to work hard to support them.

Rose was a little worried about her intense work in the afternoon.

In the evening, Rose's phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, Rose instantly looked cold.

Without hesitation, Rose answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Zion scolded sharply, "Rose, what do you want? Why did you publish Sage's personal information and search her crazily on the internet?"

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