26. You Just Like Him!

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After a moment of silence, Rose said, "It's too early to say that I like him. But I know very well that I am very, very grateful to him from the bottom of my heart. I want to treat him well and repay him with my future."

Pearl said with a serious expression, "then this can be called as love. If you don't love him, you will only be grateful and not repay him with the future no matter what he does to you. The reason why you are willing to do this is that you don't reject being with him. I think it is because of love."

Rose exhaled, didn't she?

She had just left her last relationship.

Could she really fall in love with another person so quickly?

Rose wasn't sure.

Pearl thought for a moment and then asked, "Hey, just gossip, did you guys ... ?"

Rose was puzzled for a moment, but the tone quickly made her understand it.

She cleared her throat and said, "You're an unmarried woman, why are you gossiping that?"


Pearl was excited, "It seems that you did. How is it? Do you think he is okay?"

Although Rose felt that discussing this with Pearl was very awkward, she still said, "Yes."

Pearl frowned, "What do you mean? You don't reject his touch, do you?"

Rose thought for a moment, but not only did she not reject him, but she also liked him a little, "He is my husband, and I don't seem to have any reasons to reject him."

Hearing this, Pearl said confidently, "Rose, believe me. Although I have never been married, I know very well that you just love him. No woman would be willing to do that with a man she doesn't love, even if she is grateful to him."

Hearing Pearl's words, the corner of Rose's mouth curled up slightly.

Falling in love with Bob was also a kind of luck for her.

When Zion saw Rose's statement, his anger surged.

However, what he hated now was not Rose but Sage.

If it weren't for Sage, he wouldn't have divorced Rose at all.

Even if he did something wrong, as long as he focused on reviving the Clinton Family, Rose would definitely not hate him as she had a love for him.

But now...

Everything was screwed up by Sage.

This woman had ruined his life!

He hated it.

What made him even more annoyed was that Sage's baby...

He had seen the results on the appraisal report.

Zion ordered his men to bring Sage to him.

Sage had been locked up for two days and had not eaten for two days.

As she was pregnant, she was really going crazy from hunger now.

When she saw Zion, she pleaded, "Zion, I'm so hungry. Can you ask someone to prepare some food for me? I know you hate me, but our baby is innocent. You have to..."

Zion looked up at the bodyguard at the door and said, "Go and prepare food for her."

The bodyguard respectfully accepted the order.

Sage was stunned for a moment.

Actually, she originally didn't have much hope.

But now that Sage saw what Zion was willing to give her some food, she suddenly understood.

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