24. So Happy?

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While all is quiet at dead of night, news related to Sage appeared on the Internet last night.

Starting two years ago, Sage had maintained a loving relationship with a male member of the Beauty Club.

The person who exposed the news was precisely Sage's lover.

Not only did Sage's lover expose their records of hotel-stay, but he also mentioned that when Zion took charge of the Clinton's Group in the future and she successfully married Zion, she would make Zion collaborate together with his company to make profits for his company.

Besides, what was even more explosive was that Sage had personally told the man as presented in the chat history that she wasn't sure if the child in her belly was her lover's or Zion's.

She also said that she would secretly conduct a paternity test after the child was born.

If the child was not his, she would have another child with him in the future.

For a moment, the hot discussion of Sage being a love rat had been more popularized of the news exposed yesterday.

When Rose saw the news, she really sat up and was so happy that she even clapped her hands to express her joy.

Just as she was excited, Bob heard the sound and came out of the bathroom.

Seeing her pleasantly surprised expression, he knew that she had seen the news.

Bob walked to the bedside, raised his eyebrows, and deliberately teased, "Look at you, do you have to be so happy?"

Rose jumped up, hugged Bob's neck, and kissed him on the face, "Of course I'm happy. Bob, do you know my feelings? When I was abandoned that day, I cursed in my heart and hoped that after the child was born, Zion would find out that the child wasn't his and let him feel the feeling of being cuckolded."

"Do you know how good it feels to make such a beautiful dream come true? There really isn't a better way to get revenge. Where did you get it? It's too impressive. This is absolutely the dirt based on my hopes."

Rose said in a loud voice.

Seeing that she was happy, Bob was also pleased.

He pretended to be calm and said, "I already said that there is nothing in Philadelphia that I can't do. Who told you to be blind for not choosing me in the past?"

Rose let go of him and sat back on the bed.

She stretched out two fingers and poked herself in the eyes.

"I'm blind. Fortunately, I'm cured now. I'm very curious. Looking at the chat history, the lover who gave it to you should be on Sage's side. How did you persuade him to expose this?"

Bob raised his hand, twisted his thumb and index finger, and calmly said, "Without true love, it's easy to destroy it with other interests. Perhaps Sage really cared about that man, so she betrayed Zion for that man."

"However, that man is definitely not that fond of Sage. Because my people only analyzed the pros and cons for him and told him that the Brown Family would definitely be destroyed. I also gave him a decent reward, so he agreed to expose it without any hesitation. Isn't it easier to obtain immediate benefits than untrustworthy ones in the future?"

Rose praised Bob and gave him a thumbs-up, "Let Zion taste the feeling of being betrayed."

Bob raised his hand and gently pinched her chin.

He asked her to look at him and raised his eyebrows. "You're not so excited because the child in Sage's belly might not be Zion's. You're secretly happy as you think you have a chance with Zion."

Rose raised her hand and took it from Bob's hand.

She had a supercilious look towards him and said, "Bob, what are you thinking?"

She raised her three fingers and swore an oath, "I, Rose, can swear to the heavens that if I ever go back to that rotten Zion in my life, I will not be able to die a natural death!"

Bob raised his hand and covered her mouth, "If you don't want the previous Zion, do you want to have someone new?"

These words...

When Rose heard this, she knew that he was testing her.

She smiled and said, "Do you want to divorce me?"

Bob glared at her.

Rose did not feel scared.

She shrugged and said, "I already said that if you don't divorce me, I won't divorce you. Since you don't divorce me, how could I have a new one?"

As she spoke, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She poked him in the stomach and said firmly, "Let's just make out."

How could Bob tolerate being provoked like this?

He, who had just finished shower, couldn't resist it and pounced at her again...

After breakfast, when the two were about to leave together, Bob said, "When you go to the company, you should also issue a statement to remove the stain that fell on you yesterday. I will ask the secretary to send you the contents of the statement. And you can just announce it."

Rose looked at him and nodded.

She said with complete trust, "Alright, I'll listen to you."

At this moment, the Browns were not at peace.

After seeing the scandal, Sage, who slept until three o'clock in the afternoon, was truly frightened.

She immediately called her lover.But the man's phone was off.

She was panicked and began to contact people, wanting to ask them to help withdraw the news.

No matter what the chaos outside was Zion must not see this news.

However ...

she was still a step too late.

Zion, who had gone to the company early in the morning, had returned.

Zion walked towards her step by step with a frost-like indifference on his face.

Sage swallowed her saliva in fear and said in a panic, "Zion ... Zion, did you see the news? It is too outrageous. Who is it that wants to slander me like this? He actually did such a fake thing to destroy me!"


Zion's voice was cold and indifferent.

Sage immediately nodded and said, "Yeah, you believe their nonsense, don't you? Zion, that kind of chat history can be faked, just change the name, and ... the record of hotel-stay is also..."

Zion interrupted her and shouted, "Bring him in."

As soon as he finished speaking, two burly men dragging her lover walked in.

The man had already been beaten to the point of being completely devoid of normal figure, and was directly thrown to the ground by the two strong men.

Sage was so frightened that she immediately took two steps back and covered the towering swell of her belly with both hands.

A moment later, she turned her gaze to Zion and pleaded, "Zion, what nonsense did this man talk? Don't believe him. We've been together for so many years, don't you believe me? Take him away. Our baby is being scared. I'm scared too. Please, take it easy, okay?"

Zion's cold gaze landed on Sage's lower abdomen.

His eyes burst with ruthlessness, "Our baby? It's your baby, right?"

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