104. I'll Make Him Pay!

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Miley roared angrily, "Gabriel, if you dare touch a single hair of mine, Kenneth will not let you go."

"So what? I'm not afraid of him. Let me tell you. I want you."

Hardly did Gabriel finish when he held her head with one hand, wanting to kiss her.

Miley wasn't obedient.

When she struggled, she noticed there was a white porcelain vase above her head.

She struggled on the sofa and grabbed the white porcelain bottle while Gabriel was distracted.

Gritting her teeth, Miley grabbed the vase and smashed it towards Gabriel's head.

The vase was heavy, and there was a lot of water inside.

She didn't know she had so much strength to lift the vase.

The vase smashed into Gabriel's head and instantly shattered.

The fragments of the vase scattered, while the water in the vase instantly splashed, leaving them soaked through.

Miley felt pain on her face.

It seemed something sharp cut it.

Gabriel tilted his body and fell from the sofa.

Miley ignored her wet clothes and the pain on her face.

She kicked away Gabriel, who was lying on the side with his head covered.

She stood up and staggered outside the door.When she reached the door, she turned to look at Gabriel.

His forehead was hit by the vase and was bleeding.

Miley was a little scared.

Gabriel wouldn't die, right?

She afforded no time to bother with it.Miley opened the door and ran out.

Alisa had been wandering by the door anxiously.

She just vaguely heard Miley's cry, but she did not have the courage to rush in to save her.

She was about to call Stanley and continued urging him.

Miley ran out of the house.

Seeing her, Alisa hurriedly walked up to her. "Miley, are you alright?"

Miley looked ... extremely miserable.

"Gabriel didn't hurt you, did he?"

Miley gritted his teeth and looked at Alisa.

She didn't want to talk with Alisa, so she pushed her away and ran towards the door.

Alisa shouted behind her. "Miley, I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose."

However, she did not chase after Miley because she was worried about Gabriel.

She sighed and ran back to the living room.

At the sight of Gabriel, she screamed in fright and rushed forward."Gabriel, Gabriel, are you alright?"

Gabriel wiped away the blood on his face and pushed her away.

"Get lost."

Alisa did not give up and continued to support him.

His sorry state wrung her heart.

"I'll take you to the doctor."

"I told you to scram!"

Alisa hugged him with tears.

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