75. A Car Accident....

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Kenneth slowly let go of Miley and looked at her cold face in disbelief.

"Are you serious?"

Miley nodded, "Why bother lying to a stranger?"

Then she withdrew her eyes from him and went straight to the building, regardless of how surprised he was.

From now on, she would have nothing to do with him.

She closed her eyes without saying a word, but after a while, she heard a thud not far from her.

A car crash!

Miley had her heart in her mouth.

She quickly ran in the direction of the sound.

Kenneth's car hit the lamppost of the community, the hood smashed.

She was dumbfounded, seeing the smoke coming out of the hood...

Her legs trembled as she ran over.

She has never been so scared in five years.

She knocked on the window, through which she saw that the airbag protected Kenneth.

Leaned his head against the seat, Kenneth lowered the window.

"Kenneth, are you alright?"

Miley's eyes were filled with concern.

Kenneth gazed at her, frowning slightly.

'Does she really care about me this time?'

"Still alive."

She opened the door to help him get out of the car.

"Let's go to my car. I'll take you to the hospital."

Kenneth followed her.

He didn't want to miss the opportunity to be with her.

Miley said softly, "Are you experiencing any discomfort?"

Kenneth turned to stare at her with his hand on her shoulder.

He felt that it was really good to get so close to her.

Miley noticed Kenneth gazing at her and wondered, 'At this juncture, why is he still looking at me?'

In embarrassment, she urged, "Why don't you say something? You didn't hit your head, did you?"

"I'm fine."

Miley helped Kenneth to her Mini.

Daren stayed home alone.

Thinking of that, she was really worried.

Thereby, she called Daren by Kenneth's phone.

Daren answered the phone.

He was still at home.

Miley was relieved and told him to be a good boy when she was out.

Daren agreed and promised not to open the door no matter who knocked.

Kenneth had never taken a cheap car like this, but the presence of Miley made the car much shinier.

"Miley, come back with me to New York."

Miley was driving with no response.

"It was all my fault, but I promise that I will do my best to be nice to you. I will definitely not repeat the same mistake."

Miley still kept silence.

Kenneth turned towards her, "I can wait for you till you change your mind, but please don't keep me at a distance."

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