123. Shake Hands and Make Peace.

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Miley smiled and said, "I am willing to bear the loss, for Janice may gain happiness because of it. Mr. Robinson, I wish you a happy marriage. I also wish that Janice can make you different."

Gabriel stood up and stretched out his hand to Miley, "It's hard to say who will be changed. How about we shake hands and forget about the past grudges?"

Miley stared at Gabriel's hand silently.

"Do you agree? Or are you still going to be my enemy?"

Gabriel asked.

Miley reached out and held his hand.

"I've never thought that one day we would shake hands and make peace. Are we friends now?"

"If you don't want to be my friend, you can continue to call me uncle."

Gabriel smiled.

Miley also laughed, "If Adrien were still alive, I might call you uncle."

The two left the study as they chatted happily.

Seeing Miley's expression, Kenneth knew that Miley had attained her wish.

Because her face was filled with calmness.

Kenneth nodded to Gabriel and said to Miley, "Go up and see Janice. I'll talk to Mr. Robinson for a second."

Miley felt relieved at this moment.

When Miley went upstairs, Hannah was comforting Janice.

There were traces of tears on Janice's face.

She seemed to have cried.

Hannah pinched Miley's waist and asked, "How is it going? Is it settled? Do you need my help?"

Miley put Hannah down beside Janice, and checked the sleeping child before sitting down.

"Janice, do you know why Gabriel keeps you here?"

Janice said in a hoarse voice, "He wants to steal my child."

"No, it's because he cares about you. He's afraid that you'll go with Adam. He has never wanted to get rid of you. He loves you, just in a wrong way. Look, you're still breastfeeding. Being sad is not good for your health. The baby will get diarrhea after drinking breast milk."

Miley held Janice's hand and said, "Your happiness is coming soon."

"Miley, have you been brainwashed by Gabriel? Do you believe what he said?"

Hannah was surprised to see Miley speak for Gabriel.

Miley nodded, "In the past, I might not believe it, but this time I do. Hannah, trust me. I've always told you that Gabriel has fallen in love with Janice. But you refused to believe me. What I said is true."

"You don't believe me, because you don't know what Gabriel was like before. He really treats Janice differently."


Hannah crossed her arms.


Miley was still holding Janice's hand tightly.

"Janice, if Gabriel proposes to you, will you stay and raise your child with him?"

"What if Gabriel treats Janice badly?"

Before Janice could speak, Hannah asked.

Miley smiled and said, "That depends on Janice. I think she can make Gabriel a good husband."

Hannah nodded, "Janice, you should remember this. I bet men need to learn a lesson."

Listening to Miley and Hannah's words, Janice was faintly worried.

However, seeing how confident Miley was, she felt that maybe she could really make it.

Anyway, the situation was complicated.

Hannah returned to the hotel after leaving the Gabriel's.

Kenneth went to talk to his old friend about work, while Miley called Heidi and made an appointment with her.

Miley and Heidi agreed to meet at a special coffee shop that Miley used to like very much.

Because of the traffic jam, Heidi arrived a little late.

Miley lifted her cup and said, "You're so slow. I've already finished one."

"Traffic jam."

Heidi sat down and ordered a cup of coffee.

"It's not long after you gave birth. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to be a matchmaker."

Heidi sighed, "You mean Adam and me? Forget it, I've been on blind date recently."


"Yes. I have a blind date this afternoon. I just want to pick someone pleasing to the eye."

Miley was depressed, "I thought that if I could bring Gabriel and Janice together, there wouldn't be any obstacle between you and Adam."

"Does Gabriel want to be with Janice?"

Miley nodded, "He loves Janice."

Heidi smiled, "I've seen Janice a few times. She's a good person. It would be nice if she can have a good marriage."

"Right now, only you and Adam are single. I hope that you two will have a good result."

"I hope so, but being with someone you don't love is painful. I've figured it out. Rather than looking for a man I love and suffering with him, it's better to find someone who loves me. Let's forget all the crap. Are you asking me out only to talk about this?"

Miley nodded, "Is there still any possibility? Don't you feel that Adam treats you differently?"

"No. But I met Adam on my second blind date. He asked me what I was doing. I told him I was on a blind date. He rolled his eyes at that man. Does that count?"

Miley didn't know what to say, "What happened next?"

"He left."

"Did he leave with a cold face?"

Heidi sighed and said, "He has always been cold to me. Didn't you notice it?"

Miley rubbed her forehead and said, "Forget it, I give up. It's hard to communicate with you."

After chatting for a while, Miley asked Heidi to leave first.

Resting for a while, she decided to call Adam.

The call went through very quickly.

"Miley, why do you call me?"

"Adam, I'm in G City now. Do you have time? I want to see you."

Half an hour later, at the same place, with the same inviter.

But this time, Adam was the one sitting opposite Miley.

He was still as gentle and refined as before, with true scholarliness.

"I'm not late, am I?"

"It only takes you thirty minutes to get here from the hospital. You're very fast."

"I get here from school."

"Then you're even faster."

Miley called for the waiter to order a cup of coffee for Adam.

Miley didn't waste any time and directly said, "I came to G City this time to bring Gabriel and Janice together."

Adam was stunned for a moment before he nodded.

Miley raised her cup and took a sip.

Adam asked, "Why did you help Gabriel instead of me? Don't you think that Janice and I are well matched?"

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