22. I Like The Way You Are Now!

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Seeing Rose's expression, Elena frowned and became nervous for a moment.

Then she snorted, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Rose threw the pen to the side, hugged her arms, and leaned back, "Pick it up and put it away."

How could Elena follow to do what Rose said now?

"Rose, your father is in hospital now, so there is no way that he can back you up. Do you think I'll please you? Don't forget that you are not my natural daughter!"

She said angrily as she jumped onto the document on the ground.

Rose raised her eyebrows and sneered, "Since you knew that, why did you act in front of my father? As if you want to treat me as your own daughter."

"Your father refused to give birth to a baby that belonged to us. What can I do? I can only rely on myself. However, today is different from the past. With my shares, I am also one of the owners of the Clinton's Group. How could you drive my people away on your own initiative and cancel my credit card?"

Rose stood up and walked to Elena's side, "The previous Clinton's Group is over. Your shares? You need to know that the biggest shareholder now is Bob, my husband. I'm working for Bob now, not to mention you. Every penny you spend by credit card belongs to my husband. What right do you have to yell at me here? He said he would fire all your relatives, which is exactly what I want. "

Elena raised her hand and pointed at Rose, "You..."

Rose raised her eyebrows and revealed a mocking smile, "You're right, my father is not here. You don't have to act anymore. Nor do I. Elena, you probably haven't forgotten what you said earlier. You didn't get a marriage certificate with my father, so what are you? Get out of our face. Scram as far away as you can. Otherwise ... I won't spare you!"

As she said that, she pulled Elena away from the document by her arm.

Rose pointed her finger at the ground and said coldly, "Pick them up. Otherwise, I will call the police. You have smashed up my stuff. Even if you can't be sentenced, you will stay in detention for a few days. Do you believe me?"

Elena gritted her teeth, "Why are you so ruthless?"

"When my dad was in the limelight, you desperately came up to him and flattered me. But when my dad was sick and the company was in trouble, you hid outside and refused to show up. You even said that you had nothing to do with our family. Elena, you or I am a bad ass?"

She raised her hand and poked at Elena's shoulder blades, "Less harsh words. Or you will regret. Got it? I'll give you one last chance. Clean up or I will call the police?"

Elena lowered her head and looked at her feet. After half a minute, she squatted down and began to pick up the documents.

After tidying up, she put the information on the table and said angrily, "It is not over!"

She snorted coldly, raised her head and left.

She was not happy.

Neither would she make Rose and Henry happy.

Thinking of Zion and his new wife, Elena raised her eyebrows slightly.

Since Rose was cruel to her, she would never treat Rose well, and she would stir some trouble for Rose!

Ever since Rose went to work in the company.

It was the norm for her to be busy till midnight.

Bob often came to ask his wife home for dinner.

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