32. No Matter How Hard the Wall Was, It Would Collapse!

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Just as Nannie was about to get in the car, Rose chased after her.

Rose stepped forward and said, "Aunt Nannie, please wait a moment."

Nannie held the car door with her hand and looked at Rose.

She looked at Bob not far away.

And then she asked coldly, "Was it not enough to vent your anger just now? Are you coming out and continuing to anger me?"

Rose shook her head and smiled, "Aunt Nannie, you misunderstood. May I talk to you alone?"

Nannie's expression did not soften a bit, but she said coldly, "What do you want to say?"

Rose took a deep breath and said, "I know that you hate me because I humiliated you and your son to protect Zion at that party."

Sewell, Nannie's son, was good-for-nothing.

In Philadelphia, Sewell was known as a playboy. Were it not for Bob's support, Sewell would have been beaten up countless times.

That day, Zion took Rose to a party on behalf of the Clinton's Group. Coincidentally, a rich young miss, who was pursued by Sewell, was very close to Zion because of business dealings during that time.

Sewell was unhappy. He thought that Zion courted that young miss, so he hated Zion.

At the party, he frequently picked on Zion. Zion kept holding back. Sewell even pretended to be careless and spilled red wine on Zion.

But Zion held back.

Zion also said, "It's fine. But be careful next time."

However, the more Zion held back, the more remorseless Sewell became.

He even deliberately picked up another glass of wine and splashed Zion's face with it.

He put on a wicked smile as he said, "Sorry, I was careless this time also."

In Rose's eyes, Sewell was insulting Zion to excess.

Zion could endure it, but Rose couldn't.

Even if Sewell splashed someone else but not Zion today, Rose wouldn't stand idly by.

Therefore, she picked up a glass of wine and splashed it on Sewell's face without hesitation.

Sewell was dumbfounded.

He had been a bully with Bob's support for many years. He had never encountered such a bold woman before.

Rose didn't admit her mistake.

She pretended to be guilty and said, "Oh, sorry, Mr. Sewell. I couldn't control my hand...."

Just as Sewell was about to speak, Rose picked up another glass of wine and splashed his face again.

Sewell was angry and scolded, "Are you...."

Before he could finish, he was splashed with the third glass of wine.

Sewell was furious after being splashed with three glass of wine in a row.

Just as he was about to pull on Rose's collar, Rose smashed the empty glass near Sewell's feet.

She harshly scolded, "Sewell, you are good-for-nothing and no one likes you. Don't do such a dirty thing here. I can be as shameless as you, so you'd better restrain yourself."


Sewell glared at Rose with an angry expression.

Sewell was in exasperation and Nannie squeezed her way through the crowd.

Seeing her son in a sorry state, Nannie stepped forward and wanted to slap Rose, but her wrist was grasped by Rose.

Rose shook off Nannie's hand and said coldly, "I heard that the Stocks has received a good education, but Ms. Nannie doesn't seem to educate your son well. Since you don't know how to educate your child and you taught him to be this way, I suggest you stay at home or you would be embarrassed!"

Nannie said through clenched teeth, "Henry is capable. He taught you to be this way!"

Rose smiled and said, "Even if my father didn't teach me well, I have never messed around outside. Ms. Nannie, if you're blind and deaf, I suggest you find a detective to detect your beloved son's disgusting behavior."

Rose sneered, "What era has it been? He thinks of himself as a tyrant. He thinks that all the people in this world are his parents and they have to spoil him, right? To be honest, he is rubbish!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Nannie and Sewell mockingly and pulled Zion out of the crowd.

Later, Rose heard from others that Nannie publicly cursed her that day.

Nannie swore that she would make Rose die a terrible death!

Rose had beef with Nannie since then.

When they met in public, Nannie would glowered at her.

However, Rose didn't care about Nannie's glower.

Now she thought of it, she disliked Bob mainly because of Nannie.

She had once heard that Bob pampered his cousin very much.

Every time Sewell made trouble, Bob would solve it.

In her eyes, this group of people were jackals of the same lair.

Therefore, even she knew Bob since she was very young.

They didn't get in touch very much.

Moreover, she was hating Nannie to the extreme when Bob was pursuing her.

So she disliked Bob at that time.

Rose roused herself and said to Nannie gently, "Actually, I don't think I did anything wrong that day even now. Even if the person who was bullied wasn't Zion, I wouldn't look on and do nothing."

"Aunt Nannie, Sewell really needs to be disciplined. He is now in his twenties and is no longer a child. However, he acts like a child. He treats causing trouble as a common occurrence. Don't you want to change him and make him a useful person? "

Nannie said through clenched teeth, "It's not your turn to teach me how to discipline my child."

"Yes, he is your child. I don't have the qualifications to teach him. Just compare Sewell with Bob and other children of the Stocks. Aunt Nannie, do you really not mind your son being good-for-nothing? Sewell is still young, and it is not too late for him to change. Do you insist on letting him throw himself into prison so that he can't continue to live in the wealthy circle of Philadelphia? No one can protect him for the rest of his life. Only through his own progress can he have a bright future. I have recently understood this principle."

Rose said as she lowered her head, "I had placed too much hope on Zion before. I thought he was my support. And I didn't know that the world was dangerous. No matter how hard the wall was, it wouldn't be able to withstand the wind and rain and it would collapse one day. We could never escape from retribution. Aunt Nannie, you can't protect Sewell forever."

Nannie was silent.

Nannie understood the reason. But she didn't want her son to suffer.

But these past few years, Sewell had become even more unscrupulous....

Rose bowed respectfully to Nannie and said, "Aunt Nannie, I don't know how long Bob will love me. But as long as he doesn't give up on me, I will follow him. I don't want Bob to be a bad person among his relatives all the time, so ... I want to apologize to you. Aunt Nannie, will you get over it?"

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