34. The Woman in Bob's Arms!

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Rose thought that she was wrong with her head, so she registered with Neurology Department for herself.

After the doctor saw her and listened to her description of the symptoms, however, the doctor stared at her for a moment and then asked,"Is your period on time?"

Rose frowned, "My period has not been on schedule since I was very young. It usually happens once every three months."

The doctor nodded and asked, "Are there any safety measures for your sex life?"

Hearing this, Rose suddenly realized something was wrong.


"Sometimes we have, but sometimes..."

If it happens abruptly, there are no measures usually.

In fact, their sex life was quite random.

Therefore, there seemed to be no difference between having and having not measures.

Hearing this, the doctor smiled gently and said, "Then you should go to the Obstetrics Department to examine first."

Rose quickly left and registered again.

However, because there were no experts to register today, Rose specially pulled some strings and then went to the ward to see an expert for her physical examination.

After a series of examinations, she finally handed in the sheet for blood routine test to the doctor.

After the doctor looked through it, he lifted his eyes and asked, "Do you have any plans to have children?"


However ...

she had never thought of not having one.

So she nodded, "Yes."

"Congratulations, you're pregnant. According to these indicators, you should have been about seven weeks pregnant."

Rose raised her hand to cover her lips. Seven weeks...

So it means that she became pregnant less than a month after she and Bob were dating.

"Then ... what do I need to do?"

"Go back and take some folic acid, have a good rest, make pregnancy examination regularly. If you feel uncomfortable, just come to the hospital in time."

After Rose came out of the doctor's office, the happy smile on her lips was palpable.

But as soon as she reached the elevator, she saw someone pushing a pregnant woman in a wheelchair.

The pregnant woman was painful and it seemed that she was going to give birth.

Seeing her big belly, Rose frowned and unconsciously raised her hand to caress her lower abdomen.

However, when she raised her head to look at the pregnant woman's face, she was truly shocked.

Unexpectedly, she was Sage.

Sage looked much more plump.

Her dress was very ordinary in styles, and her complexion was worse than before.

'Is it because Sage cheated on Zion, so he doesn't even buy her quality clothes any longer?''

Additionally, aren't all pregnant women chubby?

But why Sage...

Seeing Rose, Sage was also stunned for a moment. She pressed down on the wheelchair and looked fiercely at Rose, "Is that you?"

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