109. Having Sympathy!

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On the way back from the party, Miley was confused.

She asked Kenneth, "Darling, why would you want Hannah help Janice?"

"Because Gabriel doesn't look right. There must be something."

Miley was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Kenneth turned to Miley and said, "Think about it. He is Gabriel. He would ask the girl to have an abortion that night, wouldn't he? But he didn't, which proves that ... he hesitated, no matter how long. A person like Gabriel would be soft-hearted. What does it mean?"

Miley was uncertain, "He has sympathy for her."

Kenneth put on a sly grin, "Even if it's not sympathy, it's something else. Leave this girl for now. Maybe that girl will be useful one day. Who knows."

Miley nodded.

For several days in a row, Miley was always uncomfortable and listless.

She wouldn't like to eat anything and always felt sleepy.

Miley's pale look made Kenneth worried after he returned.

But she said she was fine.

The next day, as soon as Kenneth arrived his office, he asked Stanley to arrange for a doctor to examine Miley at home.

In the morning, Miley went to the cemetery with Jeffrey, and mourned her mother and sister.

As soon as she returned, she saw the doctor who had been waiting all morning.

The doctor said Miley was pregnant after he took her pulse.

Hearing that, Miley was really shocked, "Doctor, am I really pregnant?"

The doctor nodded and congratulated, "Yes. However, your body had suffered too much before. You must take good care of it from now on. Otherwise, it will have an impact on the fetus."

Miley couldn't believe it.

She had just slept with Kenneth for a few days.

Besides, Kenneth had taken measures most of the time.

How could she be pregnant again?

Daren was under five years old.

She really didn't plan to have a second child.

Daren was enough.

But this unexpected little creature appeared.Miley gently stroked her belly.

Her lips were slightly raised.

Last time, because of a misunderstanding, Kenneth didn't know the news immediately.

This time, she could not delay.

She picked up her phone and called Kenneth.

Kenneth answered in a low voice, "Darling, have you seen the doctor?"

Miley nodded, "Yes. It seems that someone is talking over there?"

"I'm in a meeting."

"Then I'll call you back later."

Miley heard someone was talking about the budget from the phone.

"It's OK. They say their stuff. We say ours."

Stanley, who was beside Kenneth, listened to the financial manager's report as usual.

Meanwhile, a few people close to Kenneth looked at each other.

Mr. Moore was too abnormal now.

He was so kind.


Miley thought for a moment and exhaled, "I'm pregnant."

Kenneth, who was sitting there elegantly, suddenly stood up.

Everyone fell eyes on him.

A few people even looked at him and then looked at the finance manager.

Everyone thought that the finance manager had said something wrong.

The finance manager was also shocked.

He stopped the report and looked at Kenneth nervously.

Miley heard a sudden quietness by phone.

Miley was upset.

Why would Kenneth react like this?

Kenneth was stunned for a moment, then said excitedly, "Stanley, deal with all the following work. My wife is pregnant. I want to go home."

Finally, Kenneth's voice came from the phone excitedly.

Miley smiled silently.


This man wasn't afraid of losing face.

When the driver drove Kenneth home, Miley was sleeping.

Kenneth entered the room and quietly crawled into the blanket to hug Miley from behind.

Miley opened his eyes in drowsiness.

"You're back."

"My wife is pregnant. Of course I should come back and look after her."

Miley rolled over and hugged him, "Well, you said before that you're willing to do anything for a pregnant wife."

Kenneth kissed her on the forehead and said, "Yes, I will take good care of you this time."

Miley closed her eyes and enjoyed it. But thinking of what she saw in the cemetery this morning, she opened her eyes and asked him, "Oh right, why did you repair the tombstones for my mother and my sister?"

After she went to the cemetery this morning, she found that the tombstones had been carefully repaired.

She was sure that it was him.

Kenneth raised his hand and gently stroked her head, "After you disappeared, I felt extremely painful. Therefore, I went to the cemetery and confessed to my mother-in-law. I repaired the cemetery on your behalf."

Miley nodded with a serious expression.

Kenneth looked at her and asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

"It's not because of this, it's because of something else."

"Go ahead."

Miley looked at him seriously. "Darling, if I said that the robbery five years ago was not an accident, would you believe me?"

"It wasn't an accident? Tell me what happened."

"Back then, my uncle received an express, my blood robe was in it. So he left New York without saying goodbye. Did my uncle think I was dead and leave sadly?"

Miley said gloomily.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?"

"I thought it was over, and at that time, I was angry with you and distrusted you. Later on, our misunderstanding was resolved, but I forgot it."

Miley sighed, "Today, I met Hannah who was with my uncle. Hannah said that there was something suspicious, so she investigated privately. Later on, she found out that it was Brenna who sent my uncle an express."

"Your half-sister?"

Kenneth said coldly.

Miley nodded.

Kenneth rubbed her head to his chest. His eyes were a little cold, but his tone was gentle.

"I will investigate it and find a solution later on."

It was better that he wouldn't find out anything.

Otherwise, he would definitely not let go of the sinner who destroyed five years between him and Miley.

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