11. Share the Gossip with Me!

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After Rose got in the car with Bob, she asked, "What did my father say?"

Bob curled up his lips, "He asked me to take good care of you, like any other parents who wish a good life for their children."

Rose was relieved that her father didn't say anything to embarrass him.

Bob drove the car directly to the gate of the Clinton's.

After getting off the car, Rose turned to Bob and said, "Thank you for driving me back. I...."

"Driving you back?"

Bob stared at her face and laughed, "What are you thinking? I'm here to help you pack your luggage."

Rose was stunned for a moment.

Bob already got off the car.

He said calmly, "We're married. Do you want me to keep living alone?"

Rose was a little embarrassed.

She was not ready to live with him.In reality, Bob was right. It was she that asked him for help.

She needed to take responsibility for all the results unless she wanted to be a hypocrite.

"Then follow me."

Rose led him into the Clinton's. and introduced him to Nancy. Then they went upstairs and entered her room.

As soon as Bob got in, his eyes landed on the wedding photo of Rose and Zion on the wall above the bed.

Looking at Rose's smiling face in the photo, Bob's face turned serious.

Noticing this, Rose hurriedly said, "Oh ... well... because the divorce was very sudden, I haven't had time to clean it up."

Bob crossed his arms and said, "I think we have plenty of time today."

As he spoke, he stepped onto the bed and removed the photo quickly.

Rose understood what Bob meant. She pulled open the drawer of the bedside table and took out all the photos that had been thrown in the first day she moved back.

She also deleted everything about Zion form her cellphone in front of Bob.

Actually, there was no need for Bob to require it.

Rose wasn't that stupid enough to keep these things to disgust herself...

Her generous cooperation made Bob smile, "Looks like you've really made up your mind to break up with him this time. Good."

Rose looked at Bob calmly and said, "This has nothing to do with making up my mind. I just don't want to be a disgruntled abandoned woman. These photos are all evidence of my past stupidity. Seeing them will only remind me of ... how stupid I was."

Hearing this, Bob couldn't help but laugh jokingly, "Well, you have very clear self-knowledge. Yes, you were stupid."

Hearing this, Rose turned to glance at him unhappily.

Bob raised his eyebrows, "You were indeed stupid. There are only three reason why a man won't touch a woman when they live together. First, he is your father. Second, he is your brother by blood ties. Third, he doesn't love you at all, thus takes no interest in your body. And you believed that abstinence shit, isn't that stupid of you?"

Rose rolled her eyes at him.

Was her wrong to believe in true love?

Anyway, forget it. She was indeed deceived, and there was no denying of it.

She gave up arguing with Bob and went out of the room to speak to a Nancy.

"Take out all these things and throw them away. I want the beddings and everything else that is concerned with Zion removed from this house. Everything."

"Yes, miss."

Nancy answered and carried out her order immediately in front of her new husband.

Rose felt her heart cleaned up along with the removal of all this trash.After finished packing, they went downstairs to return to Bob's.

But Rose's phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Rose picked up the phone and said, "Hey, Pearl."

Pearl Law was Rose's good friend since childhood.

Her family built its fortune form the business of gold and jewelry, and Pear was the only granddaughter.

So, she was named Pearl by her Grandpa.

On the other end of the line, Pearl skipped the greeting, and shouted sharply, "Did you cheat on Zion with Bob?"


Rose's voice carried some doubts.

Pearl was anxious, "Come on, don't hide anything from me. I saw it in the video. Didn't you go to the Bob's house last night, and not come out until you left alone this morning? What's going on?"

"What video? Where did you see it?"

Pearl felt speechless, "Stop lying. I just watched a video on the Internet which showed this scene. We grow up together, I can recognize you even you're burnt into ashes. That was definitely you. What happened last night? Does Zion know about this? What are you going to do?"

The sudden divorce and the trouble of the Clinton's Group caught Rose off guard.

The press didn't report her divorce.

So, Pearl knew nothing about this.She was still worried about the future of Rose and Zion.

Rose exhaled and said, "Pearl, I haven't had time to tell you that I got divorced from Zion."


It was Pearl who was caught off guard this time.

Rose told Pearl what had happened in the past few days.

Pearl couldn't help but curse, "How stupid I was to think that Zion was a gentleman, to think that you two grew up together and would make a perfect couple. Damn, that asshole, and that bitch Sage ... I won't let her off lightly as long as I see her."

Rose interrupted Pearl, "Pearl, I'll talk to you about this when we meet. Now, I have to deal with the news."

"Alright. Tell me if you need any help. I won't disappoint you as long as I can do it. Even if I can't, my shoulder will always be there for you."

"Alright, I love you."

After hanging up, Rose looked at the phone casually and said to Bob, "The news reported that I went to your house last night. Now everyone is scolding me for cheating on Zion with you. They call me shameless."

"Really? Share the gossip with me."

Bob pulled Rose up from the chair and sat down himself.

Before Rose could sit somewhere else, Bob put his arm around her waist and forced her to sit on his laps.

Rose became very awkward, because she sensed the change of his body down there...

Just as she was about to get up, Bob said huskily, "Looks like I'll have some appetizers before the gossip..."

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