38. Pay with Your Life If You Can't Do It!

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Hearing these words, Zion suddenly relaxed his tight grip on Sage's neck.

Sage gulped fresh air hard, and felt like she had a new lease of life.

Zion pinned Sage down and looked down on her with a sinister gaze, "Say what you just said again!"

Sage looked at him in fear, "You want Rose back rather than her unborn foetus, don't you? I can think of a way to make her miscarry, so that you can try to get her back."

Zion's eyes slightly widened as he weighed its feasibility.

Although Sage proposed that, she still felt hatred and said, "Nevertheless, Rose has lost her virginity, and doesn't only belong to you anymore."

Hearing this, Zion's eyes swept her coldly.

Sage hurriedly retracted her gaze and said, "I mean ..."

Zion said coldly, "You'd better keep your word. Otherwise, the rest of your life will be as miserable as possible. I'm not kidding! Don't appear in front of me again before your goal is fulfilled. Scram."

Sage stood up and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Zion, I ... don't have any money. Can I ..."

Zion interrupted her, "You don't have money. It's your business. What does it have to do with me? Scram!"

Thinking of the child at home who was still waiting for her to feed, Sage said, "But I need money to carry out the plan."

"You owe me this. If you can't do it, you will pay with your life. As for the money, you can't get any from me."

"We've signed an agreement," Sage stared at him. "You said you would pay child maintenance."

"The terms of the agreement are very clear. I only give my child maintenance. Is that bastard my child?"

Zion said and his lips curled up evilly. "Of course, if you perform well enough and your plan succeeds, I'll give that bastard a red envelope as your future living expenses."

Sage and Zion looked at each other for a long time.

She realized Zion's personality and knew that he wouldn't give her another chance anymore.

Killing the foetus in Rose's belly was her only chance to get the money at present.

But what could she do to kill the foetus without breaking the law?

Ever since everyone in the family knew that Rose was pregnant, she had become the key protected person in her family.

She wanted to get up early and have a meeting in the company?

No. Bob, who was used to getting up late, would choose to work for her.

She wanted to work overtime in the company tonight?


Bob would call those innocent employees trash at the morning meeting the next day and ask them to solve their own problems as much as possible in the future.

If they couldn't solve, they could find Bob to deal with the problems.

If any department made Rose work late again, all employees in this department would work overtime for a month and whoever left early would be fired.

Although it was a trick to scare people, everyone was truly afraid of Bob.

Sure enough, after his threats, everyone's ability to work increased rapidly.

Sometimes Rose had to admit that, though she worked hard and diligently, she couldn't catch up with the 'violent maniac' who always spouted insults.

At noon, Bob came to the company to accompany Rose for lunch.

Then he hugged her and took a nap in the lounge before Rose forced him to go away.

Thinking about how Bob had repeatedly told her to be careful before he left, Rose sat at her desk and couldn't help chuckling happily.

She didn't know who he was worried about. But no matter who it was, she was grateful for his kindness to her.

She picked up a document to be processed and was about to flip through it when her phone rang.

The caller ID was an unfamiliar number.

Rose thought few people knew her phone number.

So she directly answered the phone, "Hello."

The person on the other end of the phone sighed heavily and said sadly, "Ms. Clinton. It's me, Sage. May I see you?"

Rose replied coldly without hesitation, "No!"

Sage hurriedly said, "I was abandoned by Zion. I really hate him, so I want to tell you about how Zion will deal with the Clinton family ..."

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