98. I Don't Know You Adults Are Thinking About

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Kenneth gently held Miley's hand. "When are you going to tell Daren that I'm his father?"

Miley was stunned for a moment.

She had forgotten about it.

"I don't like it when Daren calls me 'Mr. Moore'. I want to hear him call me 'Dad'."

Kenneth said pitifully and stared at Miley.

"I was not by Daren's side since he was born. He is now five years old, and he becomes cleverer and starts to make sense of the world. If he doesn't know I am his father, I'm afraid that Daren will hate me in the future. After all, to Daren, I am not a qualified father, and I have been absent all these years. In his subconscious, he seems to prefer Adam to be his father, but since the misunderstanding between us has been cleared up, shouldn't we...?"


Miley nodded before Kenneth could finish his words.

"I know what you mean. I'll find an opportunity to talk to Daren."

Miley went downstairs and cooked porridge with the maid.

When she returned to Kenneth's room, Kenneth and Daren were playing checkers.

Although Kenneth was much better at this, he deliberately hid his skill so that Daren wouldn't lose.

The two of them were having fun.

After Miley returned, she sat by the side and watched the game for quite a while.

After they finished the game, she gently held Daren's hand and said, "Daren, I want to tell you a secret. Can you listen carefully?"

Daren nodded.

"Sure, whatever you say, I will listen carefully."

Miley then said, "Let's talk about it elsewhere. The secret should be kept from Kenneth."

She thought about it carefully and decided to tell Daren in a tactful way.

Miley held Daren's hand, and the two of them left.

Miley brought Daren out of the villa and they came to the wooden swing on the east lawn of the courtyard.

She helped Daren onto the swing, and then sat down next to him.

"Mom, what secret do you want to tell me?"

Daren blinked and looked at Miley.He had a curious look on his face, looking really cute.

Miley looked at Daren seriously. "Daren, the secret actually has something to do with you. You always want a father, right?"

Daren nodded cutely. "Yes."

"If I told you your father is not Adam, but someone else, could you accept it?"

Daren frowned and didn't say anything.

It seemed that he didn't accept it from the bottom of his heart.

"Daren, everyone has parents. I know that you like Adam very much and want him to be your father. However, he is not your biological father after all. Even if I marry him, he can only be your stepfather. Of course, I believe that Adam is a good person and would become a good stepfather, but do you remember you once asked me who your father really was?"

Daren lowered his head, and he was not as happy as before.

"Yeah. You were very sad at that time. You just said that my father had gone."

Miley got off the swing and squatted in front of Daren. She tightly wrapped Daren in her arms.

"Daren, I'm sorry. I lied. At that time, I said that your father was gone because I didn't want you to keep asking this question. I am a selfish guy."

"I always tell you that lying is bad, but I lied. I am really sorry."

Daren stared at Miley's face and said, "You mean that my dad is still alive?"

Miley nodded cautiously.

"Then why didn't he come to find me? Did he abandon us?"

Daren's small eyebrows knitted together tightly.

Miley shook her head, "No, something happened to me when I was pregnant. Before I could tell your father that I was pregnant, I was already forced to separate from him, and we parted for five years without meeting each other."

"I misunderstood your father and was angry with him, so I didn't want to go back to find him. He has actually been looking for me all the time, but because I changed my name, your father failed to find us. Until this year, he finally bumped into us in the G City."

Daren pouted, "Well then, since he has already found us, why didn't he come to meet with us? Doesn't he like me?"

"It's not like that. He still doesn't know that you are his son. I want to ask your permission before telling him the truth."Daren asked seriously, "Where is Dad, then?"

"Listen, Daren. Your biological father is Kenneth."

Daren was shocked.

"What? Mom, you're not lying to me, are you?"

Miley shook her head.

"Of course not. Why would I lie to you?"

Daren pouted, "But... but I don't believe that Mr. Moore is my father. Mom, tell me the truth," he said, leaning forward.

"Have you fallen in love with Mr. Moore? Are you afraid that I won't be able to accept this, so you lied to me?"

Miley smiled speechlessly.

She didn't know why Daren always questioned her credibility.

"I didn't lie to you. It's true. Your dad is Kenneth. I didn't tell you before because I was angry with him and didn't want to see him. But now, my misunderstanding with your dad has been cleared up, and I am not angry with him anymore. That's why I choose to tell you the truth."

Daren shook his head, acting like an adult.

"I don't really know what you adults are thinking about. You always change your ideas. It's so sophisticated. Poor me! Why do I have to go through all this?"

Miley was surprised by what he said. He was just a child, but he was 'complaining' like an adult.

"But Mom, when you say that, I suddenly feel that I do look a bit like Mr. Moore. When he first saw me, he said that I looked very much like him."

Miley shrugged.

"So, look, you can feel it yourself. I'm not lying, am I? Do you want to get along with him as father and son? If you want to do that, I can help you."

She was really glad that her son wasn't a sharp-tongued child and he seemed thoughtful.

Daren lowered his head and said, "But Mom, I feel sorry for Mr. Jones if I recognize Mr. Moore as my dad..."

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