28. I Won't Betray You; I Like You!

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Rose's hands were still on his shoulders, and she asked doubtfully, "Bob, what's wrong with you? You're very good, you're extremely good."

Bob frowned, "Stop playing around with me. In your eyes, I'm just a good person, a good person who had helped you, right?"

Rose felt that there was something wrong with Bob.

"No matter what I do, you still love Zion. So Sage betrayed Zion and he goes back. You still want to go back to him, don't you?"

Bob said in puzzle.

Rose shook her head, "Of course not. I promised you that I wouldn't..."

Bob let go of the hand that was holding her chin and interrupted her, "You promised me that you wouldn't leave me when I didn't let you go. But, are you really willing in your heart?"

Rose immediately nodded, "I am willing. I am willing to it."

Bob burped and looked suspiciously into Rose's eyes.

After a long time, he said, "Then why did you meet Zion today? Why did you let him hug you? I told you, you're my woman, my woman!"

Rose's heart paused for a while.

Bad news!

She was afraid that something might happen.

She planned to talk to Bob about it while eating.

But how did Bob know?

Seeing Bob's sad expression, Rose smiled and asked warmly, "So, you drank so much wine because of this?"

Bob looked at her blurredly and didn't say anything.

Rose squatted on the lower steps and looked up at him.

She said obediently, "Are you angry without even asking me what happened?"

Bob lowered his head slightly.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Rose explained seriously, "I don't know what exactly you had known. I'll tell you what happened. Believe it or not, it's up to you. Today, Zion took out the keys to my car from his previous home. He went to my car to block me and apologize to me. He said that he regretted it and wanted to make up for it with me. He also said that he wanted me to divorce you. I disagreed, so he ran out of the car."

"However, he didn't give up. He caught up to me and hugged me. I didn't have the strength to break free from him, so I shouted for help in the parking lot. Probably, Zion was afraid that my shout would attract the attention of others, so he ran away."

Hearing this, Bob's entire body became a little more cheerful.

Seeing the change in his eyes, Rose smiled gently, "What I said is the truth. Do you believe me?"

Bob stared at her for a moment and then said, "I believe you, but don't you love him? He said he regretted it and wanted to make up for it, but wouldn't you be tempted?"

Rose shook her head. "I am not a fool without brains. If we have a reliable relationship, I will not experience betrayal. I had already failed for the past ten years. I will not waste another ten years on that kind of person. Therefore, I told him that I will not betray you. I like you."

Bob paused for a moment, "You said you ... like me? Just to lie to him?"

Rose blushed slightly, "Can't I be sincere?"

Bob reached out and gently pinched her chin, "What did you say? Say it again!"

Rose looked at Bob's disbelief and hesitated for a moment before she made a bold move.

She wrapped her hands around Bob's neck and kissed him on the lips.

Bob had already drunk a bit of wine.

When he heard what she said just now, he was already to do something.

Now that he was gently turned on, his entire body was not under control.

He directly picked up Rose horizontally and strode into the room.

Rose was a little shy.

She intended to do something with him tonight.

But ... the order was wrong now.

However, it didn't matter.

The things in this world did not change as fast as the plans.

After the two finished, Bob fell asleep because of the alcohol.

Rose stood up and helped him wash up before going to take a bath.

When she came out of the bathroom, she thought of the dishes she had personally cooked in the living room.

It should be cold.

Anyway, at this moment, she doesn't have any appetite anymore...

Forget it!

She would not eat anymore.

She returned to her bed and slowly approached Bob's side.Bob hugged her and slept soundly.

Because Bob went to bed early, he woke up at seven o'clock in the morning.

Looking at the woman sleeping sweetly beside him, Bob kissed her on the forehead.

Rose opened her eyes in a daze. She raised her head to look at the handsome face in front of her.

She pursed the corners of her mouth and muttered, "Good morning."

"Well, it's really early today! " he said, rubbing her head naturally.

"I think someone had told her feelings to me last night."

Rose, who originally wanted to close her eyes for a while, suddenly opened her eyes when she heard this.

She said embarrassedly, "Aren't you drunk?"

Bob poked her between the eyebrows and said, "What do you mean? You only told me your feelings because I was drunk? So, you lied to me?"

Rose immediately retorted, "I did not lie to you. It's just that ... I feel ... a little embarrassed when you say that."

The reason why she dared to say it last night was that he was drunk.

If she knew that he wasn't drunk, she wouldn't say that even if she was beaten to death.

Bob smiled indulgently, "Why are you so embarrassed with your husband? You like me, and I like you too. Isn't this a good thing?"

Rose's face was flushed red. She sat up beside Bob and turned to look at him.

"Oh right, how did you know about this yesterday? I was going to tell you about it at dinner. I even sent you a message to come back early. But ... you actually knew about it before."

Bob also sat up and said, "The reporter sent the secretary a few photos of Zion hugging you. I was drinking with William at that time. As soon as the secretary reported this matter to me, I became angry and drank more."

Rose's eyes were solemn.

Bob also said in a deep voice, "How did a reporter happen to be in the parking lot? How could he shoot this kind of thing? Did someone follow you? Or, did Zion arrange all of these?"

Rose raised her eyes and looked at Bob.

In her opinion, this was most likely Zion's scheme.

Trying to drive a wedge between her and Bob.

Otherwise, the media coverage was all about Sage now.

How could this reporter have gone to the underground parking lot at such a coincidental time?

That's right, it must be Zion. After all, he has done even more despicable things.

Isn't it a big deal to have one more?

At this moment, Bob and Rose thought of something together.

A cold glint flashed through his eyes.

This Zion was quite courageous.

It seemed that it was time to show him some color severely!

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