49. Stop Pestering Me!

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Miley knitted her eyebrows and didn't say anything.

"There should be an end. You once said that it was a mistake that you two met each other... but I acquainted you with each other at first. Only if he and I were neither classmates nor good friends; only if I hadn't introduced him to you; only if he hadn't taken us to dine with his uncle, nothing would have happened."

Tears began to fill Miley's eyes.

"Abby, I never thought of ruining your future as well as that of Miley, but it is me indeed..."

Miley wiped away tears from her eyes obstinately and interrupted him, "It's not your fault."

"Abby, Adrien loves you with all his heart. He loves you so much that he doesn't even care about his dignity nor family. He is guilty of Miley's death, but ... but... he has suffered for all these years, and it should be enough."


Driving home from his company, Kenneth was surprised to see lights in his house when his car stopped downstairs.

He went upstairs anxiously and opened the door.

She was there, cutting vegetables on the bar in kitchen.

Kenneth was puzzled, "What are you cooking so late?"

"Midnight snack. Didn't you say you would come back very late?"

"What if I didn't come back?"

"Then I'll eat all of them by myself."

Kenneth pursed his lips and walked into the kitchen.

Suddenly, he hugged her from behind. "If I'm not back, you can call me, whenever."

Miley trembled for a moment, but she did not refuse his embrace and replied indifferently, "OK."

After a while, she brought out the spaghetti and placed it directly on the tea table.

Kenneth stared, "Go eat at the dining table."

Miley waved her hand and sat down on the furry carpet.

"Eat here. No big deal. Come try my cooking, how about it?"

Kenneth smiled and walked over to sit beside her on the ground.

He picked up his fork and rolled up noodles to eat.

"Delicious, it's as yummy as that cooked by chefs in western restaurants."

Miley smiled and said, "My uncle shared the same opinion. That ... Dear."

"Yes, what's it?"

"May you accompany me to meet someone tomorrow at noon?"

Kenneth looked at her seriously, "Whom?"

"It's ... it's the madman we met at the entrances of both the bar and the shopping mall."

Kenneth nodded, "I'll go."

Miley peeked at Kenneth who focused on eating.

She didn't know what was going on in his black eyes....

Next day, at noon, at Old Teahouse.

When Adrien found that Miley appeared with the man he met before, the smile on his happy face disappeared immediately and he looked straight at Miley.

"Abby, why are you..."

Miley smiled, "Hello, Adrien. Let me introduce. This is Kenneth, my husband. And I would like you call me Miley in future."

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