13. Let's Wait and See!

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"Rose, stop crying. Crying won't help anything. I just need to know will you leave Bob or not?"

Zion said in a deep voice.

Rose asked, "Then will you leave Sage?"

Zion said helplessly, "You know that, Rose, Sage is pregnant. She needs me."

Rose smiled mockingly, "Zion, save your hypocrisy. Even if Sage was not pregnant, you would also abandon me and choose her. Because all you wanted was to use the Clinton family to revive the Brown family. Now that the Clinton family has been destroyed by you, I'm also useless to you. The only reason you still want to meddle in my business is because you can't stand me being with Bob."

"Because you have lived in self-basement since childhood. You thought Bob was better than you. The only thing on which you defeated him was that I chose you rather than him. But now, even I chose Bob. You feel upset, don't you?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I just want to help you."

Rose questioned, "Can't you stop pretending? Zion, are you really not afraid that I'll go to the reporters and expose how despicable you are?"

Zion said in a deep voice, "Rose, forget it. You don't have any evidence. Sage and I have always been very careful. I didn't even accompany her for any prenatal examination. How can you expose me without any evidence? Just because she used to be my secretary, and is pregnant now?"

Hearing this, Rose raised her eyebrows slightly and said in a cold but strong voice, "Don't doubt if I can do that. Let's wait and see."

After Rose hung up the phone, she sent a text message to Pearl.

"Pearl, do me a favor...."

Bob stayed outside for more than ten minutes before coming back.

"I have some good news for you!" he said with satisfaction.

Rose looked at him curiously. What good news could there be at such a time?

Bob curled up his lips to form an evil smile, "The informant was the man who followed you and shot the videos near my house. He didn't know who his employer was, but today, his employer transferred him a sum of money. It was Sage."

Rose's eyes turned cold. That bitch Sage.

Rose didn't touch her even when she became Zion's mistress and destroyed her marriage.

Now that bitch dared to make trouble again.

Rose called her father's secretary and sent her Sage's entry documents.

Looking at Sage's personal information, ruthlessness flashed across Rose's face.

She wanted Sage to experience the same misery of being scolded by everyone.

The next morning, Rose was woken up by the warm sunlight shining in form the window.

Normally, she rarely slept late, because Zion always got up early.

But today, she felt lazy.

Because last night, Bob had "eaten" her too many times.

She truly regretted it now.

If she had known that it would be so exhausting, she wouldn't expect it at all when she was with Zion.

Bob was still sleeping soundly beside her. She quietly got out of bed and went to the bathroom for a shower.

When she got out, Bob had already woken up.

He squinted at her lazily, "Why are you up so early?"

Rose pointed at the clock on the wall and said, "It's not early. It's almost nine o'clock."

Bob turned over to lie on his back, still said lazily, "I usually get up at this time when there is nothing special. It seems that it will take some time for you to foster the habit of sleeping late."

Rose was puzzled, "If you get up so late, do you have enough time to deal with the company?"

Bob said confidently, "Why not? The business of the company never consumes much time. Only incapable fool will spend a lot of time to manage those simple things."

This was the first time Rose had heard such words.

In that case, wasn't Zion the busy idiot who got up early and came home late just as described by Bob?

Rose did not continue this topic.

She walked to the dressing mirror and began to do an exquisite makeup.

She said, "I'm going out to meet those reporters. Do you want to go with me?"


Bob looked at her with interest, "What? Aren't you afraid of their insults?"

"No, because I will fight back!"

Bob raised his eyes, "It doesn't matter if I'm there?"

Rose raised her eyes and said confidently, "Aren't you my lawful husband?"

Bob was very interested and immediately got out of bed, "Looks like I can get latest gossip as the heroin of the scandal."

He got dressed after washing up in the bathroom.

After making everything ready, they came to the gate of the villa together.

Their appearance unsettled the reporters who had waited at the gate for the whole night.

A dozen or so people rushed forward and surrounded Rose and Bob.

Questions were flung at them incessantly."Mr. Stock, why did you come out of the Clinton's with Mrs. Brown?"

"Mrs. Brown, do you have anything to say about your having an affair during your marriage?"

"It says that you and Zion are childhood sweethearts. He has always been a good husband, and your marriage has always been a role model in the upper classes. Why did you cheat on him?"

"Mrs. Brown, what's your plan? Are you going to divorce Zion Brown and stay with Bob Stock?"

"Mrs. Brown, when did your affair with Mr. Stock start? Why are you laughing? Did you see the news yesterday? Aren't you feeling guilty for what you did to Zion?..."

Bob looked at Rose as if watching a drama.He was somewhat eager to see her reaction.

Rose remained silent while listening to the questions coming out from the reporters one by one.

Only after three minutes did the reporters start to feel the unusual atmosphere and stop asking.

But their microphones were still held close to Rose.

Rose looked at everyone calmly and asked, "Are you done asking all the questions you want to ask?"

The reporters looked at each other until one who stood closest to Rose asked, "Mrs. Brown, could you give us any answer?"

Rose smiled at the reporter and said, "Yes. However, I think you should change the address first, because ... I am not Mrs. Brown now, but Mrs. Stock."

The reporters were shocked. Rose did not want to hear their clamor.

She simply said, "Also, I divorced Zion not because I betrayed him, but because he betrayed me first."

The reporters again looked at each other, no one seemed to believe her.

A reporter asked, "Mrs. Brown ... Sorry, Mrs. Stock, may I ask if you have any evidence for your words?"

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