91. Will His Heart Hurt?

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However, it was a hot potato. Miley was caught in a dilemma.

"Miss Davis, can't you even give me a promise? Did Mr. Moore's words were all perfunctory? I might as well tell you the truth. In G City, Rayan is famous for being ruthless. Since he said that he wouldn't let you be his daughter—in—law, then you absolutely can't. If he says that he wants to deal with you, then you have to be careful."

"Even if you're a tough guy, what about your child? Not to mention Rayan, if you insist, then, even if Mr. Moore wants to protect you, the Vaughn Group will not allow it. At worst, we will die together. My father will not let me suffer."

When Miley heard the threat, she frowned and looked upset.

Kenneth sneered, "Miss Vaughn, the last thing I'm afraid of is threat. Although I won't just watch my wife get snatched away, I don't like what you said just now. You..."

"Miss Vaughn, can I ask you a question?"

Miley interrupted Kenneth.

"Of course."

"Can you guarantee that in this lifetime, you will only love Adam and will never break his heart?"

"Of course I can!"

Heidi crossed her arms.

"How many decades does a person have? I've loved him for more than one decade."

Miley calmed down a little.

What Kenneth said before was right.

Instead of letting Adam marry a woman who didn't love him at all....

It was better to let him marry someone who loved him so much.

"Miss Vaughn, I know that marrying him without loving him is the greatest torture to him. This is also why he asked me to marry him every year, but I refused him every time. If there is someone in this world that I can't hurt, then that person must be Adam. In my eyes, he is my relative."

"I know that I can't give him a complete love no matter what. So, after hearing your words, I suddenly feel that perhaps you are a better match for him than me. However, I had agreed to his proposal. "

Heidi stared.


Miley exhaled, "I said that the person I don't want to hurt the most is Adam. I can't tell him that I want to refuse to marry him because I can't face his sad eyes. I'm afraid I'll be soft—hearted."

"So Miss Vaughn, if you really love Adam and want to marry him, I hope that you can openly pursue him and let him say YES to you instead of letting his father intervene and bind him with the news. Adam is very soft—hearted. If you can persevere, he will definitely accept you. "

Heidi sized the woman in front of her up who had once been regarded as her love rival.

For some reason, when this woman said that she and Adam only had kinship....

She believed it.

Heidi nodded, "You've married a husband who loves you very much. You are really lucky. I gotta go. I wish you both happiness."

Kenneth was very happy to hear this blessing. He stood up and shook hands with Heidi, "I also wish you a marriage to your beloved man."


Miley and the others were going to have team building activities, and their destination was New York.

After work on Friday afternoon, Miley and Jeffrey brought Daren to the mall.

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