3. Get Your Dirty Hands off Me!

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After hesitating for a few seconds, Zion let go of the hand that was pressing on Rose's wrist and rushed towards Sage.

At the sight of it, Rose felt as if her heart had been pierced through by thousands of arrows.

She had been in love with Zion for ten years...

Seeing Zion gently carrying Sage and running towards his car, Rose closed her eyes.

She loosened her clenched fists and got in her car.

Before Zion's car left, she drove away.Her heart did hurt, but no matter what, Rose tried to keep her pride.

The moment her car leaving from Rose Residential Community to the main road, Rose couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

Her heart did hurt!

It hurt so much!

She had loved Zion for ten years, only in exchange for such a betrayal.

'If anything does happen to Dad, how could I live?'

Tears blurred her eyes.Rose unconsciously stepped on the gas.

When she realized that something was wrong and wanted to brake, her car had hit the car in front of her.

The two cars stopped at the same time.

The driver of the front car got off and felt surprised when he looked back and saw Rose through the window.


Rose did not look at the car in front of her.

Instead, she lay on the steering wheel and cried in sharp pain in her heart.

Seeing this, Bob, who had approached Rose's car, stopped walking and looked at Rose through the window.

'Is Rose ... crying?Is she hurt?'

Thinking of this, Bob went up to the car door and pulled on it.

But it didn't open.He reached out to knock on the window.

Rose exhaled. She knew that this was her fault.She secretly wiped away her tears and looked up, but when she saw Bob, she was also in shock.

Bob pulled on the door. Although he looked cold, his eyes were filled with concern.

"Open the door."

Rose believed that today was a bad day.She unbuckled the seat belt and pulled open the door to get out of the car.

She thought that Bob would ridicule her as how he had done in the past.

But the fact was Bob pulled Rose by the wrist and brought her to him, asking, "Are you hurt?"

Rose shook her head but did not say anything.

Bob stared at her.

"Are you a mute?"

"I'm fine."

Rose calmed down. "I'm in a hurry to go to the hospital. Tell me the cost of repairing your car later. I'll pay you."

Bob sneered in distain.

"Why are you going there?"

He examined Rose up and down and asked, "Are you pregnant?"

Rose's eyes instantly filled with tears.

She did not answer and was about to open the car door to leave.

Bob pressed down on the door. "I'm talking to you."

Rose shook off his hand and shouted, "My father is in hospital! Are you satisfied? Can I go now?"

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