27. What Am I Not Good Enough for!

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After the scandal disappeared, Rose felt relaxed.

Also, they discussed the specific cooperation with Mr. Walton in the afternoon.

Everything seemed to be developing in a right direction.

Rose felt that all of this was due to Bob.

Therefore, she did not work overtime for the first time after going to the company.

She left the company early at five o'clock.

She arrived at the underground parking lot and activated the car from afar with the remote control.

Just as she sat inside, she realized something was wrong.

Because of the back of her car ... Someone was there.

She was so vigilant that she didn't close the car door.

She was immediately ready to run out.

However, the person behind her let out a familiar voice, "Rose."

Rose's eyes tightened.

She turned around and said coldly, "Zion, why are you in my car?"

Sitting there, Zion looked at her with a severe expression.

His voice was as gentle as before.

He said, "I still have a set of keys to your car at home. It won't be difficult for me to enter."

Rose was furious.

She spread out her hands and said angrily, "This car was bought with the Clinton family's money. How could you go in and out at your will? Hand over the keys."

Zion did not resist. He took out the keys from his pocket and placed them in her palm.

Just as Rose was about to retract her hand, Zion grabbed her hand and stared at the beautiful woman in front of him with a miserable gaze.

Rose was unhappy and was about to retract her hand.

However, Zion refused to let go of her and said in a sad voice, "Rose, I regret it."

Rose stopped moving and raised her eyes. Her gaze landed on his face coldly, "Let go."

Zion shook his head, "I said, I regret it. I know I was wrong. Rose, it was all my fault. I shouldn't have hurt you and used you. Can you come back to me? Can we restart?"

Rose gritted her teeth and pushed her hand back again.

But Zion refused to let her go.

Rose said angrily, "Zion, you should know that the woman you are holding is Bob's woman."

Zion knew that this was the truth, but he was sad and angry in his heart, "No, you are my wife..."

Rose interrupted him and said coldly, "Zion, your wife's name is Sage. My husband's name is Bob. It was you who betrayed and abandoned me that made these two marriages possible. Why are you going back on your world now? Do you think it's still possible for you to regret it?"

Zion closed his eyes.

Tears dripped down his face. "I'm sorry. Rose, please give me one more chance. Can we restart? I'm the confused one. I let such a good woman go, but I treated trash as a treasure. But I didn't want to betray you from the beginning. It was that time ... I made a mistake after drinking alcohol. Later, Sage told me that she was pregnant. I ... I didn't want my child to be born without a father, so I filed for a divorce with you. I..."

Rose sneered as he spoke.

She did not want to hear about this man's fake mental thought.

She only knew that Sage had betrayed this man and that this man's retribution had come.

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