107. I ... Want to Protect My Child

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That one over there was indeed Gabriel.

In front of him stood a woman dressed in a recreation center uniform.

She looked quite young.

For some reason, she was apologizing to Gabriel.

On the side, Jeffrey told the others to hurry to the private room.

He didn't want to see Gabriel.

But the owner of this recreation center, Hannah, who was accompanying them, did not enter.

Seeing that she was going over, Jeffrey pulled her and whispered, "Hannah, don't go."

Hannah said with a valiant expression,

"This is my recreation center. He is bullying my employee. I can't pretend that I didn't see him."

After she finished speaking, she broke away from Miley and walked towards Gabriel aggressively.

Jeffrey pushed Miley and the others into the private room and followed Hannah.

In the private room, Miley was a little worried about Jeffrey who also went there.

Kenneth seemed to see the uneasiness in her eyes.

He patted her hand and said softly, "Let's go. I'll take you there to take a look."


Miley looked at him."It's fine. This is my territory."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Miley up.

When the two of them came out, there was no one in the corridor, but Miley saw her uncle leaning against the glass door of the private room opposite.

Miley pulled Kenneth along, opened the door and entered.

In the private room, there were only Hannah, Jeffrey and the waitress.

Although the waitress was wearing a work uniform, she looked extremely pure and lovely.

However, her complexion didn't look good, and she looked a little haggard.

Hannah raised her eyebrows to Kenneth and Miley who came in and signaled them to sit down.

She looked at the waitress and said, "Sit down as well."

The girl shook her head.Hannah did not force her.

After Miley and Kenneth sat down, she said to the girl, "You asked me to help you after Gabriel left, right? Tell me about your situation and what you want me to help you with."

"Young miss, my name is Janice Smith."

The girl's voice was very pleasant to the ear.

After she finished introducing herself, she talked about her relationship with Gabriel.

Janice was a junior at Western University, and the resume she filled out when she came to work in the center was fake.

She faked a resume when she applied for this job because she wanted to protect herself.

She was afraid that if others knew that she worked here, they would look down upon her.

She didn't want her future to be ruined by this work experience.But she had to work here.

She needed money, a lot of money, and this was the place where she could get the most tips.

As Janice said that, she looked down and closed her eyes, "I came here today with no other choice, because I ... want to protect my child."

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