17. They Won't Be Together for Long...

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Yates looked at Rose angrily.

Rose said with guilt, "Dad, calm down. What Bob said isn't true. I know you dislike me. And I do have a lot of shortcomings. But I am newly married to Bob. If we get a divorce today, it will probably be bad for everyone. So ... why don't you give me a trial period?"

Hearing Rose's words, Yates looked a bit pleased, "A trial period?"

Rose nodded, "Actually ... I'm still not sure if Bob married me because he liked me or just wanted to be angry with me who rejected him. But since we're married, I'd like to devote all my enthusiasm to maintaining this marriage."

"I promised Bob that as long as he doesn't mention divorce, I will never leave him. I will try my best to fall in love with Bob. If Bob finds out that I am not the woman he wants after a while and wants me to leave him, then I will leave. I will not pester Bob and will not upset him."

Bob said, "That's a good idea, but don't you feel wronged?"

Anyway, Bob definitely won't get divorced.

He just tested Rose out.

Rose looked at Bob and shook her head with a faint smile, "You stood on my side when I was at my worst. You are not only my husband, you are also my benefactor. I won't bite the hand that feeds me, and there is nothing to be wronged about."

Hearing this, Yates's eyes were filled with admiration.

Rose married a bad guy and became a laughing stock.

However, no matter what, Rose from the Clinton family was of good character.

Seeing that Yates didn't say anything, Rose said, "Let's just take it for one year. If you are still unsatisfied with me within one year and Bob doesn't want me anymore, then I will divorce Bod without getting a penny from him. And my divorce will not harm everyone's reputation."

"If Bob still wants to be with me, but you refuse to change your view of me, then I can assure you that I will never appear in front of you. Or perhaps ... you will find that I am a good daughter-in-law."

As Rose spoke, she smiled warmly at Yates.

Yates remained silent.

Bob said unhappily, "Dad, Rose has come to this. Isn't she sensible enough? What do you mean by putting on airs like this? Give me a straight answer."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Yates snorted coldly.

With that, Yates looked at Rose and said, "We'll go with this. You'd better not do anything to embarrass the Stocks during a one-year period. It's better not to have a scandal like last night, otherwise, the Stocks won't protect you!"

"Alright, thank you, Dad."

They came out of the study together after they settled the matter.

Yates no longer looked fierce. Nannie was puzzled.

'What happened? Has Rose convinced Yates?'

Bob and Rose sat on the sofa together.

Maisie pushed the fruit in front of Bob and Rose as Maisie said warmly, "Rose, feel at home. Get some tea and eat fruit if you want. Help yourself."

Rose smiled faintly, "Alright, thank you, Mom."

"Oh, Maisie, it seems that you like Rose very much."

Nannie said sarcastically.

Maisie looked up at Rose.

Maisie indeed liked Rose very much.

Yates was unhappy with Rose's feelings for Bob.

But Maisie knew Bob well.

Bob wouldn't marry a woman he didn't love if he hadn't made up his mind.

If Bob liked Rose, Maisie would definitely like her as well.

Maisie nodded to Nannie and smiled lightly, "Of course, I like my own daughter-in-law."

Nannie sneered with contempt, "Well, people from poor families are ignorant!"

Hearing this, Rose couldn't help but stare.

Everyone in Philadelphia knew that Maisie came from a civilian family.

Maisie and Yates in love had shocked the entire Philadelphia.

That was truly the model of the ugly duckling becoming a swan.

Many people envied Maisie.

However, Maisie and Yates met with a lot of opposition before.

Such as the Stocks.With prestige and large domestic industries, the Stocks refused to accept a daughter-in-law who was a commoner.

It was Yates's persistence that made this beautiful marriage possible....

Bob crossed his legs and looked at Nannie teasingly, "Nannie, you are a young lady that my grandfather cultivated seriously. But why are you so narrow-minded? Aren't you embarrassed?"

Nannie stared at Bob and said, "Can't you be serious? Aren't I checking on Rose for you?"

Bob said mockingly, "Oh no. Your eyes are always bigger than your stomach. Can the woman you have your eye on be any good? As for my own marriage and my own future, I naturally believe in my own decisions. It's better to go home and take care of your own child. I heard that your child caused trouble yesterday."

As soon as Bob finished, Nannie looked sulky, "You're really a busybody."

"Didn't you hear a saying? Nephew's like his auntie. I learned all of my bad deeds from you."


Nannie stood up and pointed at Bob, feeling exasperated.

Yates scolded coldly, "Enough, Nannie, are you done?"

On the side, Naylor saw Yates lose his temper and hurriedly grabbed Nannie's hand.

Naylor whispered, "Nannie, it's business of the Stocks. It's Bob's own affairs. Don't interfere."

Nannie shook off Naylor's hand and snorted coldly, "Alright, you're all the Stocks, but I'm only not. I gonna go. You love to be Rose's back-up. You guys should be the ones to be laughed at!"

With that, Nannie glanced at Rose and strode away.

Naylor didn't want to meddle in other people's affairs, so he quickly left on the pretext of advising Nannie.Rose heaved a sigh of relief.

After Rose and Bod had dinner with Maisie and Yates, Bob took Rose away.

Maisie saw Rose and Bob to the door.

After Rose and Bob left, Maisie quickly returned to the living room. Yates was still drinking tea.

Maisie walked over and poured Yates a cup of tea and asked, puzzled, "Didn't you refuse to accept Rose before? But I saw that your attitude towards her just now seemed to have improved. Why did you change your mind?"

Yates smiled and said, "I haven't changed my mind. It's just that ... Rose won't be with Bob for long."

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