6. Are You a Part of the Price

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In the evening, after 'chatting' with her father for a while and telling him her lofty ambitions, Rose left her father to Nancy.

When she appeared at the entrance of Bob's villa, she was actually not fully prepared.

She did not forget that two years ago, when she had decided to marry Zion, Bob, who often suggested her breaking up with Zion, told her that he loved her.

At that time, Rose firmly believed that she and Zion were truly a perfect match.

Therefore ... she mercilessly rejected Bob and said many harsh words.

"I love him very much. I won't leave him because of you."

"I'm pretty sure that Zion is the one. I'm not suitable for you at all. You're not my type."

"Please stop pestering me, and don't come to me again."

"After I get married, I will definitely become the happiest woman in the world, because we love each other very much."

...In just two years, it proved that she was wrong.She felt quite embarrassed.

So after getting out of the car, she lingered at the door for nearly an hour, but she didn't have the courage to ring the doorbell.

Just as she was raising her hand again, the car light not far away shone on her.

She hurriedly withdrew her hand.Very quickly, the luxury car stopped in front of her.

Bob got off with the smell of alcohol all over his body.

Seeing Rose, he was a little surprised, and put on a mischievous smile, "What a rare visitor!"

Rose unconsciously panicked.

She had been hesitating.There was no need now.

It seemed that she was destined to take this step.

After adjusting her mood, she said awkwardly, "Are you free? I want to talk to you."

A smile lifted the corner of Bob's mouth.

"Originally, I didn't have time, but now ... I do. Follow me in."

The driver drove away. Bob led the way and brought Rose into the villa.

This was the first time Rose had entered Bob's house since she knew Bob.

After Rose entered the living room and sat down, servants served tea for her.

Bob waved his hand. "It's my honor that Ms. Clinton visits me. Tea is not suitable. Fetch a bottle of red wine."

Rose frowned.

"Tea will be better."

Leaning on the sofa, Bob crossed his legs, and looked at her.

"I remember that you can drink a lot. Do you disdain to drink with me?"

When Rose heard this, she immediately corrected it.

"No. Let's ... have a drink or two."

Very quickly, the servant did as she was told and brought red wine over.

Bob served her a cup of wine. "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Rose glanced at the servant.

Bob raised his eyebrows and said to the servant, "Let everyone go back and rest. No one is allowed to come in without my permission."


After the servant left, Bob gently shook the wine in the glass. "You can say it now."

Rose exhaled.

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