84. I Looked All over for You Madly!

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Gabriel was smart and wouldn't want to be part of the mess.

"Gabriel won't help you. Even if he does, both of you are no match for me! I am no pushover."

Hearing Kenneth's words, Rayan changed his attitude.

Rayan was a smart man. He knew the dos and don'ts.

"Kenneth, don't be so serious. I'm only joking."

Since Rayan had conceded, Kenneth stopped being so aggressive.

"I see. I was also joking with Mr. Jones. So, why are you here today?"

"I just came to greet you. Since you're new here, you may not be familiar with G City. I will take care of you here. If you need help, just come to me."

Kenneth smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Jones."

Miley entered and served them tea.

Rayan noticed Miley.

He frowned and wondered why Miley was here.

Miley trembled, but tried her best to stay calm.

After she put down the teacup, she smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Jones."

Rayan snorted and ignored her."She is my secretary. It's her first day. Do you know her, Mr. Jones?"

Kenneth asked.Rayan glanced at Miley and said, "You are a sophisticated woman."

Miley bit her lips and tried her best to calm herself.

Kenneth frowned.

He knew Miley held back because of Adam. "Mr. Jones, she is my employee now. It is not allowed to humiliate any one of my employees."

"Mr. Moore, I have no intention of humiliating her at all. I'm just surprised that you hire her to be your secretary. And I just want to tell you to be careful in the future. She is not that simple."

Rayan stood up and said, "I'm not in the mood for tea as she stays here. Mr. Moore, thank you for today. We'll meet again. And I'll give you a welcoming dinner in G City."

"Thank you, Mr. Jones"

Kenneth also stood up and looked at Miley. "Walk Mr. Jones out please."


Miley nodded.

She felt a little uncomfortable, "Mr. Jones, this way, please."

Rayan snorted, glanced at her and left....

When Miley was home and called her son at the door."Daren, open the door. Mom is back."

When Miley met Daren, she would cheer up.

She thought, 'Even it's the end of the world, I was still happy to be with Daren.'

She was grateful to have Daren.

But when the door opened, it wasn't a short and tough little boy.

When Miley saw the person at the door, she burst into tears.

She hugged the man and sobbed, "Jeffrey."


The man also reached out and hugged her tightly.

The two of them met again after five years.

But it seemed that they had been apart from each other for half a century.

Only the two of them could understand this feeling.

They hugged each other and cried. Daren, who was still playing in the living room, was terrified.

He ran to them, hugged them and asked, "Why are you crying?"

Hearing Daren's voice, the two calmed down.

Jeffrey wiped away his tears.

Then they entered and closed the door.

Jeffrey smiled and said, "This child is as smart as you. It took me a lot of effort to convince him that I am your uncle."


Miley frowned.

"It's true. I said I was your uncle. But Daren didn't believe me. Then, he asked me several questions. Only when I answered all the questions correctly did he let me in."

Miley rubbed Daren's head. "What did you ask?"

"Jeffrey knew your name. Then I asked him about your birthday and your hobby. He answered all the questions correctly. So, I let him in. Mom, did I do a good job?"

"Yes, you did a very good job. But did you really know my hobby?"

Miley considered this question as the most difficult one.

She didn't think that she had a hobby."Making money."

"Making money."

Jeffrey and Daren said together.

Hearing their answer, Miley just rolled her eyes at them.

She asked Daren to play alone in the bedroom for a while.

Then Daren went to the bedroom as he was told.In the living room, Miley and Jeffrey sat side by side on the sofa and chatted.

Miley asked what had happened to Jeffrey over the years.

Jeffrey said, "I was a fool before. I drank every day and knew nothing around me. At first, I waited for you at home for many days, but heard nothing from you. One day, I went to your house and scolded Kenneth. I made a scene there."

"Days later, a stranger called and told me that you were dead. I didn't believe her. So, I looked all over for you madly. On the third day after you disappeared, I received a mail. Someone sent me one of your clothes. There were blood and knife marks on the chest."

Jeffrey looked at her and said, "A report said that your body was found. The body was charred and unrecognizable. Only then did I know that my niece was really dead. But I just didn't want to believe it. So, I looked for you everywhere, wandered around the world and got drunk every day. Later ... Kenneth found me."

Jeffrey sighed, "He also believed that you were still alive. Because there was no confirmed evidence that the charred body was you. He encouraged me. I also hoped that Kenneth's words were true. So, I followed him back to New York."

"After that, I stayed in New York for nearly half a year. But I still heard nothing from you. Kenneth saw that I didn't get well yet. So, he sent me to France. When I lived in a foreign country, I immersed myself in work. When I received your call that day, I felt as if I had come back to life. "

Miley frowned and said, "Have you been in touch with Kenneth?"

Jeffrey shook his head, "No. I really don't know how to face Kenneth who lost you. After going to France, I stopped contacting him. We have the numbers of each other. But we never called."

Miley nodded and felt guilty.

She wanted to contact Jeffrey. But when she recovered, she couldn't find Jeffrey anymore.

She sighed and asked, "By the way, Jeffrey, does Kenneth know you are back?"

"No, he doesn't."

Hearing this, Miley was relieved.

"What happened? Do you still keep in touch with Kenneth?"

Jeffrey put on a serious face.

"Kenneth crazily looked for you in those years. Everyone said that you were dead. But he never believed it."

Miley shook her head.

Jeffrey saw Miley's upset face and asked, "What's wrong?"

Miley smiled faintly, "Kenneth just found me not long ago. But I told him that I lost my memory."


Jeffrey was shocked, "Did something happen at the robbery?"

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