117. Should I Give Up?

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If she didn't shout for help and Mr. Moore didn't have a bodyguard at home, no one dare imagine what would have happened that day.

Mrs. Moore was not a conservative old lady.

She also knew that something was wrong with her young son.

If she didn't take any action, not only would it do much harm to Tiara, but it would also be of no benefit to Miller.

Therefore, after talking with Mr. Moore, she resolutely sent Miller to a mental institution.

When Kenneth was a teenager, the mental institution suddenly contacted the Moore family.

It turned out that Miller escaped from there.

At the beginning, the Moore family was still looking for Miller everywhere.

But not long after, an accident happened to Marcel and Tiara.

Their death almost caused Mrs. Moore, who had lost her husband, to collapse.

She had no choice but to raise her only grandson by herself and take charge of the entire group.

Gradually, she gave up looking for Miller.

With that, Hannah sighed, "That's all I know about Miller. The topic of Miller is actually something of a taboo in the Moore family."

Miley nodded.

'No wonder Kenneth was unwilling to talk about his uncle with me. This topic is indeed heavy.'

They then picked put their favorite jewelry together.

When Hannah was about to leave, she said to Miley, "Miley, could you call your friends in G City later and ask them to visit Janice more often? If anything happens to her, the people nearby can definitely help her first before we arrive."

"Alright, leave it to me."

After Miley returned home, she received a phone call from Heidi.

Seeing Heidi's name on the screen, Miley was very surprised.

Then she answered the phone in a gentle tone, "Hi Heidi, it's been a while. I've heard from my former colleague that you and Adam are getting engaged soon. Congratulations."

Heidi said somewhat dejectedly, "The engagement may not go on as scheduled."

"What happened?"

Heidi did not respond directly.

Instead, she asked, "Miley, did you quit your apartment? I've seen Adam go to your former residence often since some days ago. At first, I thought it meaningless since you were not there. However, I only found out a few days ago that there's a woman living in your small apartment and she seems to be pregnant... "

Miley knew that woman was Janice.

Heidi added, "Adam goes over every day after work. Do you think Adam has taken a fancy to that woman? I've been worried about losing him again these past few days. I'm afraid that he will take care of her and her child like how he has done to you before. If I really have to wait for him for another five years, I might not have the courage to do so."

Miley bit her lips and said, "Heidi, I'm... I'm so sorry."

"What are you apologizing for? You're not that woman in the apartment now."

"No, I am not. The lady in the apartment now is a friend of mine. She came across some trouble in New York. Since she wanted to protect the baby in her belly, she had to leave. When I saw her, I always thought of myself five years ago, so I told her to go to my place to hide herself temporarily."

"Miley, how could you...? Fine, forget it. Even without this woman, there would still be someone else."

With that, Heidi felt a little disappointed and seemed to be muttering to herself, "Should I give up this love that doesn't belong to me?"

Miley felt Heidi's helplessness from her tone.

She thought for a moment and comforted her, "Heidi, that lady is called Janice. When Adam comes out later, go tell him that I called you and asked to you to help take care of her. Also, I think it's really a good thing to let go sometimes."

"What do you mean?"

Heidi was puzzled.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Adam in these past months, always showing up in front of him, so that he has got used to your presence and can't see that you're good. But if you suddenly disappear now, don't you think he will finally realize who he cares about?"

Heidi suddenly realized what she meant, and said, "I got it now."

Miley chuckled softly and hung up the phone.

She went back to her room and lay down on the bed.

Half an hour before dinner, Kenneth came back with Daren.

"Mom, I saw grandaunt when we were coming back from the kindergarten. She said she'd like me to be her flower boy when she gets married. I will go with Lina at that time."

"That sounds great. Then you have to perform well, darling."

Daren nodded his head vigorously, "Of course I will. Grandaunt also said that Lina and I would have to dress up at that time, just like a little groom and a little bride. If only my little bride had grown up."

"You have a little bride again?"

"I mean the little angel."

Daren stared at Miley with a proud expression.

Miley did not say anything else but smiled.

'He still remembers that little girl.'

When she looked at Kenneth, she noticed that he did not look good.

Miley pouted and leaned forward, "Kenneth, what's wrong?"

Kenneth shook his head and smiled, "I'm fine. Let's have dinner."

Daren moved closer to Miley and said, "Mom, Mr. Moore quarreled with an old man at the kindergarten gate today."

Kenneth gave him a serious look and said, "Daren, it's impolite to talk while eating."

Daren pouted, "I'm not lying. Why did Mr. Moore get so mad at me? That old man looked so pitiful."

Hearing Daren's words, Kenneth threw his chopsticks on the table.

He stood up and went upstairs.

This was the first time that Kenneth had got angry with Daren so seriously.

As soon as Kenneth left, Daren became so upset that he started crying with his mouth open.

"Mom, I don't like Mr. Moore anymore and I don't want to call him dad."

Miley reached out and stroked Daren's face, "Come on darling, dad has got something on his mind. I now go up to ask him to say sorry to you. Is that okay?"

"Will he really apologize to me?"

"Of course. Your dad loves you very much."

"But you also saw he even throw his chopsticks and leave, didn't you?"

Miley clicked her tongue.

'He's right. What's wrong with Kenneth today?'

Miley raised her eyebrows, "Daren, can you tell mom what happened tonight?"

Daren replied, "When the school was over tonight, Mr. Moore came to pick me up. Grandaunt happened to be passing by so she came to talk with me, asking me to be her flower boy, and then left. When I was about to go home with Mr. Moore, an old man showed up and stopped us. Mr. Moore pulled him to a big tree and talked to him."

"But suddenly they started to quarrel with each other. Mr. Moore even yelled at that old man. He warned the old man not to show up again in his lifetime because he did not want an unnecessary family tie. Mr. Moore was quite happy at the beginning, but right after he argued with that old man, he put on a long face."

Miley wondered whether the old man Daren just talked about was actually Miller.

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