86. I Told You, You Are My Wife!

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Miley smiled and said, "Yes, it's a man. You'll know when you see him."

After hanging up the phone, Miley told Jeffrey not to talk nonsense after they were there.

Jeffrey nodded, "Well, since you've urged it, what else can I say?"

Then he seemed to think of something and asked, "You didn't get divorce with Kenneth before, did you? Can you marry someone else like this?"

Miley was silent, "Miley is dead, right? I'm Katherine."

Jeffrey muttered to himself, "Well, that's weird. Why do I feel sorry for Kenneth?"

In the evening, Miley went to the restaurant with Jeffrey after picking Daren up.

Adam was a few minutes late.Seeing a man sitting beside Miley and chatting with her intimately, Adam was somewhat jealous.

When Miley saw him, she waved her hand and said, "Adam, there you are."

"Sorry, I'm late. I got stuck in traffic."

Adam spoke as he turned his gaze to Jeffrey.

Jeffrey was looking at Adam as well.It was the first time they met, and Jeffrey felt that Adam was very eye-catching.

Moreover, Adam seemed to have a sunny personality, who was like ... Adrien.

Jeffrey sighed in his heart. Meeting this man every day, Miley would definitely think of Adrien.

She was asking for trouble.

"Mr. Jones, it's fine. We got stuck in traffic too."

Daren lovingly ran to Adam and said, "Let me introduce. This is my granduncle, Mum's uncle. Mum and granduncle have been separated for many years."

Jeffrey stood up and offered him his hand, "Hello, I'm Jeffrey Davis, Miley's uncle."

"Hi, I'm Adam Jones."

Adam was surprised, but quickly held his hand.

"You ... look very young."

They sat down while Adam was still holding Daren.

"He is only six years older than me. He is my grandmother's youngest son."

"Well, you guys must be close back then, right?"

Miley nodded, "You're right. Ever since I was very young, we have lived with my mother. After my mother passed away, we depended on each other."

Just as she finished speaking, she heard Daren shout, "Mom, it's Mr. Moore."

They looked up and saw that Kenneth was leading two people in suits into the restaurant.

Seeing people sitting at the table with Miley, he was somewhat serious.

He politely settled his companions at the table and walked towards them."What a coincidence that we met here."

Kenneth's eyes fell on Jeffrey's face. He stretched out his hand and asked, "When did you come back? How come you didn't tell me?"

Jeffrey stood up to shake his hand, "I just arrived yesterday. Thank you for telling my niece about my contact. Otherwise, I would have thought that she was no longer alive."

Kenneth smiled mischievously, "You can be sure that Miley is your niece, right?"

He said with his eyes fixed on Miley's face, "I told you. You are my wife, but you don't believe me."

Miley clenched her fists and stood up, "Mr. Moore, you must have guests. Why not go and entertain them?"

"You are seeing me out!" Kenneth chuckled and said to Jeffrey, "Although you're younger than me, you're still my senior. I'll buy you meal another day."

After finishing speaking, he took a sideways glance at Adam and turned to walk towards his table.

Adam clenched his fists, trying hard to control his impulse to fight Kenneth.

He picked up the teapot and served Jeffrey a cup of tea, "Jeffrey, drink tea."

Being mixed up by Kenneth, Miley and Jeffrey felt extremely embarrassed at this moment.

But Daren asked in confusion, "Mom, how come Mr. Moore said you were his wife?"

Miley glared at Daren.

Did this brat really mean to piss her off?

"Mr. Moore's wife was missing. He's been saying that to everyone."

Miley replied angrily.

When the meal was almost done, Adam suddenly received a phone call from the hospital.

There was an emergency patient in urgent need of a major operation, which only Adam could do in the hospital.

Adam said with a little frustration, "Jeffrey, I'm really sorry. This is the first time we have a meal together. I am supposed to accompany you to finish the meal. However, as a doctor, I can't ignore a patient whose life is at stake."

"I understand. How about this, come to my house another day and I'll cook for you. We'll eat at home and be happier."

"Alright, it's settled."

After Adam finished speaking, he hurriedly picked up his clothes and went out to pay the bill before leaving.

Miley followed Adam out, and watched him get into the car.

After they got home, Jeffrey, Miley and Daren sat on the coffee table and ate fruit.

In the dead of night, the doorbell rang.

Miley was about to open the door, but Jeffrey stopped her.

"I'll get the door."

After going through the day's event, he became alert.

Seeing Jeffrey go to the door, Miley went to the bathroom and prepared to wash up.

Through the peephole, Jeffrey saw that it was Adam.

Then he opened the door happily.

Adam took Miley downstairs and said guiltily, "I didn't finish your meal with you today. Are you mad at me?"

"When did I become a narrow-minded person?"

Adam looked down and smiled. He hoped that she could be pettier.

"That's good. By the way, why is Kenneth still in G City? Do you know that?"

"He ... bought our TV station."

"What?" Adam's face changed.

"Why haven't I ever heard anyone from the company mention that the TV station was sold?"

"You never care about the company, don't you? That's why it's understandable that you didn't know."

"When did it happen?"

Adam wanted to know how long Miley had been hiding it from him.

"Before I went to New York, the TV station had changed its owner. But at that time, I didn't know the new boss was Kenneth. I found it out after I returned from New York."

Adam looked at Miley.

In other words, she had known for three days.

They met each other every day for the past few days, but she didn't tell him about it.

He suddenly felt a little sad.

What did he mean to Miley?

When Miley saw Adam's disappointed expression, she felt somewhat guilty.

No, she was very guilty.

"Sorry, are you mad at me?"

"Miley, why didn't you tell me this?"

Miley knew what Adam was thinking, so she explained, "I didn't intend to hide it from you. After all, there's no need to keep it a secret, but I haven't found an opportunity yet. On the first day, I didn't know about it. As for today, I couldn't talk about Kenneth since we took my uncle to dinner. So...."

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