133. Revenge!

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Kenneth raised his lips and saw the fighting spirit in Miley's eyes.

"I'll cooperate with you. Just tell me what you want to do. I'll help you with it."

Miley nodded seriously.

Fortunately, she wasn't helpless.

The next morning, when Amy came to take care of Miley, Miley specifically instructed Amy to bring her laptop.

After a night of thinking, she came up with some countermeasures.

On her computer, she sorted some information, gathered some pictures, and put some vivid notes.

When Kenneth came in the evening, she handed him the USB drive with sorted information.

"Help me hand over the information to Stanley. Have Stanley find a more trustworthy media to publish it."

Kenneth put the USB drive into his bag.

"What's in it?"

Miley smiled mysteriously, "Some scandals that every star would encounter."

"You want to expose her affair with Gabriel?"

Miley raised her eyebrows and chuckled.

"Gabriel is not a fool. He will definitely investigate after the news is released. Then we must put on a play ahead of time. We can let Stanley arrange a reporter and let the reporter think of a way to interview her under a camera."

"The next day after the interview, he releases these photos. In that case, the person who exposed the scandals would naturally be Sarah. With Gabriel's personality, he won't allow a woman to take control of his life. "

Kenneth curled his lips and said, "In this case, Gabriel would deal with Sarah. What about Brenna? Have you thought of how to deal with her?"

"I want to ruin her reputation. I want her and my dad to know what they've done to me."

"What are you going to do?"

Miley bit her lip and said, "You ask Stanley to develop more of the photos she got from her investigation earlier. I want to put the photos together with the photos of the gangsters five years ago and the photos of those gangsters kidnapping me afterwards, making them a complete story."

"I want everyone to know what happened with a single glance. Just post them all over the neighborhood where her family lives now. I want them to be unable to live in that neighborhood. I want my father to know that I am not Miley, I am Abby."

Kenneth agreed.

It was good for her to think of the countermeasures.

If he made a move, Brenna would be more miserable.

At the very least, he would send her to prison.

Right now, Miley only wanted to ruin Brenna's reputation, which was already a blessing for her.

The next day, Kenneth went directly from the hospital to the company.

Before Amy came, Miley was lying on the bed, tilting her head to watch TV.

She was enjoying it.

There was a knock on the door from outside the ward.

Miley turned around and saw the figure of a tall man.

He held a bouquet of pure white lilies in his hand with a faint smile on his face, "You are Miley, right?"

Miley nodded in confusion, "Yes, I'm Miley. May I ask who you are...?"

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