29. I Like It Too...

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Bob told Rose not to worry about this matter anymore and asked her to focus on her work.

Rose listened to him.

In any case, she didn't care about the scandal.

After washing up, they went downstairs early.

The servants were shocked to see them come down so early.

After all, Bob usually woke up at nine o'clock.

Seeing the dishes on the table, Bob said to Rose, "Oh, the breakfast was served in time today, but ... why doesn't it look like breakfast?"

A servant came forward and respectfully asked, "Young Madam, what should we do with this table of dishes you cooked last night?"

Bob turned to look at Rose in shock, "Did you cook it?"

Rose shrugged and said, "We signed a contract with the Walton Group yesterday. I think you should take the credit, so I cooked a table of dishes for you. I wanted to share the joy with you. But you ate outside...."

Bob felt guilty.

If he had known earlier, he would not drink and he would come back earlier.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Rose smiled and said, "I sent you a message to ask you come back early."

And then she said to the servant, "Remove the dishes now."

Bob immediately said, "Heat them up and serve them latter."

The servants were surprised.

Was Bob going to eat leftovers today?

Rose immediately stopped him and said, "Forget it. The dishes were made last night. I'll cook another table of dishes for you."

"No, this is your first time cooking for me. It's your love. I can't waste it."

And he said to the servants, "Just do as I say."

Rose looked at Bob and smiled.

Bob ... could always move her.

Sure enough, there was striking contrast between some things or some people.

The servants quickly heated up the food and set the table.

Bob asked the servants to go out.

And then he had breakfast with Rose.

Rose picked up her chopsticks and stared at the food on the table.

She couldn't help but laugh, "I think these dishes are a little greasy for breakfast."

Bob calmly shook his head, "No, these dishes with your love are not greasy but sweet."

As he spoke, he picked up his chopsticks and began to taste the dishes one by one.

As he tasted, he was surprised.

After he tasted them one by one, Rose looked at him and asked doubtfully, "How are they? Are they to your taste?"

Bob did not hesitate to praise, "They are perfectly to my taste. I have never heard that you are such a good cook."

Among the girls Bob knew, there weren't many who knew how to cook.

More importantly, Rose was a young lady who had been lived high on the hogs since childhood.

Bob was surprised that she was such a good cook.

As he thought about it, he suddenly frowned.

Seeing that his expression suddenly became a little serious, Rose was puzzled.

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