77. Grandma's Last Wish!

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Kenneth followed behind them, with a kind smile on his face.

He secretly took a few photos and his phone suddenly rang.

After answering, Kenneth immediately held Miley's hand tightly.

"Miley, Grandma is critical ill. Can you come back to New York with me?"

At that moment, Miley had tears in her eyes.

She did not miss the anxiety in Kenneth's eyes.

Grandma was Kenneth's only family in this world.

Kenneth was too sad to notice the abnormality of Miley's behavior.

"Mom, who is this Grandma?"

Daren was a little curious. "What does critical ill mean?"

"Grandma ..."

Just as Miley was about to say it, she remembered that she was pretending to be amnesiac.

She was really annoyed.

What should she do now?

"Grandma is Mr. Moore's grandma..."

Miley bit her lips.

Should she go back?

"Miley.... Come home with me. No matter what, I want Grandma to meet Daren before she dies."

Miley squatted down and held Daren's shoulder, "Daren, Mr. Moore's grandmother is about to leave this world. Mr. Moore will never see his grandmother again. He wants us to meet her. Would you like to do it? "

Daren nodded without hesitation, "Yes, Mom."

Miley stood up and hurriedly said to Kenneth, "Let's go."

The plane slowly landed on New York. Stanley picked them up.

They arrived home in the small hours.

At dawn, Grandma actually woke up.

Seeing Kenneth beside the bed, she pursed her lips and raised her hand to gently stroke his hair.

Kenneth suddenly sat up and reached out to hold her hand.


"When did you come back? Have you two made up?"

Kenneth nodded, "There is nothing that can't be achieved, but who couldn't achieve it exists."

Grandma nodded and smiled, "What about my great-grandson?"

"They're all here. Grandma, wait. I'll call them."

Kenneth hurriedly went out and said, "Amy, let Madam bring Daren down."


Miley was asleep when she heard the sound and immediately sat up.

She picked up Daren, who was still sleeping, and went downstairs to grandma's room.

Seeing Grandma, she couldn't hold back her tears. "Grandma."

"Miley, come. Let me see you and the child."

"Miley, you look thin. You've suffered outside all these years. If Kenneth did anything to you, you could just tell me. Although I am old, I will always be your backing."

Miley smiled and didn't say anything.

Grandma knew that Miley was a woman of few words, so she waved to Daren, "Come, darling, let Granny hug you."

Miley held the child to the bedside.

Daren sat on his great-grandmother's lap obediently.

The latter touched his face, her eyes filled with love."Yes, he really looks like Kenneth."

Kenneth raised his hand and held Miley's shoulder.

Granny looked around the three of them with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Kenneth, take Daren out for a while. Grandma has something to say to Miley."

Kenneth took the sleeping Daren and walked out with the child in his arms.

There were only two people in the room. Miley approached grandmother and held her hand.


"Miley, don't be sad. I'm ninety. I've lived long enough. Compared to your grandparents and Kenneth's grandfather, I can be considered a long-lived person."

Miley bit her lip and said, "Grandma, I'm sorry that I couldn't accompany you for the last five years."

"Grandma knows what happened. I don't blame you. It's Kenneth's fault. It's reasonable for you to punish him. But Miley, it's not that Grandma favors her grandson."

"These past few years, I have seen what he has done. He is sincere to you. Can you give him another chance for my sake?"

Miley lowered her head and said, "Grandma, we've made up."

"Miley, Grandma is not an old fool. I know all about you."

"I understand. You said that you had amnesia, but you just wanted to amnesia. I understand that you are very scared right now, but I can guarantee that if you come back to Kenneth, he will make you happy."

"Promise me. As grandma's last wish, can you come back to Kenneth?"

Miley tightly pinched the hem of her skirt.

She had sworn that she would never come back to Kenneth.

If she promised Grandma now, she would be lying to Grandma.Shed didn't want to be a liar.

But ... this was Grandma's last wish.What should she do?

"Miley, promise me, please."

Seeing Grandma pleading again and again, Miley raised his hand and held Grandma's hand.

Tears rolled down her eyes."Grandma, I promise you."

She didn't want to regret.

She had accumulated infinite guilt and regret towards her sister and mother....

Grandma passed away at noon.

There wasn't much sadness on Kenneth's face, but his words today were surprisingly few.

Apart from giving orders, he was silent almost all the time.

Miley saw it, but she didn't know how to comfort him.

She returned to room and took out her phone.

There were more than 30 missed calls, all from Adam.

'Damn it, I forgot to tell Adam.'

She quietly walked out of the room and closed the door.

She went to the window to call Adam.

As soon as the phone was connected, Adam's impatient voice came from the opposite side.

"Miley, where are you? Why don't you answer the phone? Are you all right?"

"Adam, don't worry. I'm sorry. I'm not in G City right now. I want out in a hurry and forgot to call you."

"Is there something going on? I waited downstairs for an entire night and didn't see you guys come back. I'm really afraid that something might happen to you and Daren."

Adam made Miley's heart warm.

"Sorry, I was originally playing with Daren at the amusement park yesterday. You saw the text I sent you, right? Kenneth also came."

"Yes, I saw it. At that time, I was undergoing a very big operation. It took a bit of time."

"I roughly guessed it!"

Miley bit her lips.


"What's wrong? What's so hard to say?"

"At the amusement park, Kenneth suddenly picked up the phone and said that his grandmother was critically ill. Because I looked like his wife, he asked me to bring Daren back to comfort the old woman. You know, I can't refuse."

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