110. You Must Abort the Child Today.

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Kenneth took Miley for an examination next morning.

They came to the hospital and just as they finished the examination, they met Hannah who accompanied Janice to the hospital for the examination.

Seeing them come out of the obstetrics department, Hannah was stunned.

"What? Kenneth and Miley, why are you here?"

Kenneth proudly put his arm around Miley's shoulder and said, "I am still vigorous. She is pregnant."


Hannah was surprised, "Miley, you are such a good secret keeper. You didn't share the good news with me when I saw you yesterday."

Miley gently touched her lower abdomen with a smile.

"I just found out yesterday after I came home and saw the doctor."

"Then I must be the first one to congratulate you. Congratulations."

While they were chatting, Janice's phone rang.

Janice nerved herself and answered after she saw the name.

Miley doubtfully looked at Hannah.

Hannah murmured, "It's Gabriel."

Miley stuck out her tongue and didn't say anything.

Janice's voice was not loud, but she said coldly, "Hi."

"Are you with Hannah?"

"Yes, I'm with Hannah. If you have something to say, just say it."

"Janice, if you ignore my warning, I won't condone you anymore. Your father is paralyzed at home, and no one knows about your mother's remarriage, right?"

Gabriel turned cold."Gabriel, what do you want to do?"

"The child is not yours. I will not let a cold-blooded man be my child's father. You can do whatever you want. Anyway, I have decided that I will definitely give birth to this child."

Janice didn't give Gabriel the chance to speak and hung up the phone directly.

Gabriel angrily threw the phone....

In the following month, Kenneth took care of Miley so well.

Miley's weight also increased from 45kg to 50kg.

Hannah contacted Miley and planned to take Miley and Janice to the antenatal examination.

Miley immediately agreed.

After the examination, they went to dinner together.

When Hannah went to take the car, Miley and Janice started to chat.

"Janice, do you often vomit? When I was pregnant with Daren, I vomited so much every day, but I hardly vomited this time. I really hope this baby is a daughter."

Janice nodded, "I vomited so badly that I could hardly eat anything."

Just as they were talking, a business car stopped at the gate.The car door was open.

As if it was prepared, two men got off the car.

They respectively put Miley and Janice in the car.Miley roared, "Who are you and what are you doing? Don't touch me. Let us go."

However, just as Janice got on the car, she suddenly stopped shouting.

Because she saw the man sitting in the back of the car.

He was Gabriel's secretary she had met before.

She pressed Miley, who was still struggling, and said in a low voice, "Miley, stop struggling. Let's maintain our strength. They are sent by Gabriel."

She glared at the secretary, "What is Gabriel going to do? If he wants to do something, don't hide."

"I'm just a staff member. If you have any questions, you should talk to Mr. Robinson later."

The car drove into Gabriel's villa.

Miley heard the secretary call Gabriel in the car.

He was currently waiting for them.When entering his living room, Miley held Janice's hand.

"I underestimated you. I am surprised that you can get together with Abby."

Gabriel coldly glanced at Janice.Janice was a little scared.

She held Miley's hand tightly.

"I'm different from you. I treat people sincerely. Why can't I be with Miley?"

Miley looked coldly at Gabriel and said, "Gabriel, if you want to invite us, call my husband to make an appointment. Why do you use this method? If we take it seriously, you are kidnapping us."

"Abby, don't be so sharp with me. My target today is not you, but her."

"Then let me go now!"

Miley raised his eyebrows."Let you go, and then get someone to help?"

Gabriel elegantly stood up from the sofa and walked over to them.

He looked at Miley for a while and looked at Janice again."You must abort the child."Miley stood in front of Janice, "You don't have the right to ask others to abort the child."

"This child is mine. You still think I don't have the right?"

Miley stared at him.

"Who can accept a man who can't even accept his own child? Gabriel, how can you be so ruthless? Don't you think you're really going too far?"

"I'm going too far? Abby, you have Adrien's shares, right?"

Miley was surprised.

Did he know

"Why aren't you speaking? The shares that I've been looking for so long time are in your hands. Do you know that Kenneth and the Pence family are against me together? Do you know Hannah took advantage of your shares and almost ruined my company?"

Of course, she knew.

"It's not Hannah who wants to cause trouble. It's me."

Gabriel held her shoulders and said coldly.

"Abby, you're so ruthless. You know I love you and you're using this method to fight against me. You're betraying me."

She gritted her teeth and said, "I have nothing to do with you. How can I betray you? If you can have a feeling of betrayal, it is worthy for me to do that. I believe that when Adrien was betrayed by his uncle back then, he must have been as sad as you are now. Otherwise, why would he give me the shares instead of leaving them to you?"

Gabriel looked at Miley calmly. The disdain in her eyes upset him,

"It's not up to you to scold me about the matter between me and Adrien."

"You think I'm scolding you? Why should I do that? I'm warning you, stay away from me. I don't care people like you!"

Gabriel sneered and thought 'it's impossible.'

He slowly released Miley and said to his secretary, "Send her away."

"Yes, Mr. Robinson."

Miley thought that he had figured it out and was relieved.

She turned around and grabbed Janice, "Let's go."

Gabriel sneered coldly, "I only let you go, not her. She must stay. Tonight, she must abort the child."

He didn't want this child, and if he left Miley here, Kenneth would definitely interfere.

He didn't want to fail.

"Why are you still standing there? Bring Miley out, Tie up Janice!"

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