10. She Is Nothing but Meanness Compared with My Rose

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Rose raised her eyebrows at this question, "Otherwise, do you expect us to be a couple without sex life?"

Zion pointed at Rose's face furiously, "You ... you're so despicable!"

Rose smiled with bitter self-mockery.

Was she blind before?

Why hadn't she discovered that Zion was actually so despicable?

She crossed her arms and looked at Zion with contempt, "It seems like you have some misunderstanding about the word 'despicable'. Then let me tell you. You cheated on me with Sage while we were married, you made her pregnant with a bastard child, this is called despicable. I divorced you, became single, and slept with the golden bachelor Bob of the whole Philadelphia, this is called success."

Zion gazed at her, "Rose, I know that I've upset you. But you must know that Sage and I crossed the line because of love. Everything happened because of love."

Rose's face sharpened.

She sneered at him with cold and mocking disdain, "Zion, don't insult the word 'love '. What you did has nothing to do with love. If you really love her, you should give her a proper marriage instead of committing adultery and hurting another innocent woman. You can love her, but never at the cost of my dignity. I loved you, but that was not the reason for you to screw up as you like."

Zion closed his eyes and sighed helplessly, "I'm sorry, Rose. I know that I used your feelings despicably. But you can't ruin your own future because of me. You and Bob won't work."

"You're wrong. Bob loves me very much. He never forced me to be with him. In exchange for his help, I married him and will bear children for him. It's the best marriage for a woman at my age. This is my own choice, and the best plan. I will love him with all myself from now on."

"The person you love is me. I know you. You'll never fall in love with him. You...."

Zion said angrily without thinking.

Rose raised her hand and poked at Zion's chest, "Be a scum as you like, do it well. Just leave me alone. Stay away from me."

After she finished, she walked towards Bob's car.

Zion grabbed her wrist again.

Just as he was about to say something, a strong wind swept past his cheek.

Zion was heavily punched in the face and fell to the ground.

Rose turned around saw Bob, who was rubbing his fist with a sinister smile.

She was truly shocked.

Bob caressed her face, and winked at her.

Then he walked to Zion and looked down at him.

Zion wiped the blood off his mouth and stood up immediately.

"Bob, what the fuck? Why did you hit me?"

He cried.

Bob pointed at Zion's hand, "I told you to let go when you grabbed my wife's hand on the stairs. Since your ears and memory don't work well, I'll help you learn you with my actions."

Bob's smiling lips tightened instantly.

He stared at Zion coldly, "It's so easy for me to get jealous. I won't let anyone tough a single hair of my wife. If you forget my warning again, I won't stop after only one fist next time. Now, get lost."

Zion gritted his teeth, "Bob, you are proud of taking advantage of another's perilous state?"

Bob raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Then tell me, whose perilous state did I take advantage of? Rose's? Who made her suffer from all of this? Me?"

Zion was speechless, and livid with anger.

Bob looked at him with contempt, "You married this woman when she had power and wealth only to use her. You put her through all the pain and misery to build your own success. You turned a brilliant lady into an abandoned woman judged and laughed at by others."

"And I, I married this woman when she had nothing to go through thick and thin with her, to raise our own children, to make her the happiest woman in the world. You mean and despicable bastard, it insults me to be compare with you. You're the least qualified one in the world to accuse me of taking advantage of another's perilous state. What I did is called the yeoman's service."

Rose was deeply moved by Bob's words. She stared at Bob's face and regretted having hurt such a good man for a scum.

Seeing that Rose gazed at Bob, Zion clenched his fists.

"You don't know anything between Rose and me."

Bob turned to look at Rose, "Oh, you married her but told her that you needed to abstain from sex because you were sick. However, another woman appeared with your child to embarrass her. If you're talking about this, then I really don't understand why."

"As a man, I only saw that bitch Sage... Oh, she's just a slut. She is nothing but meanness compared with my Rose."

After finished speaking, he walked over and hugged Rose, "I'm hungry. Let's go home."

Rose frowned, "Didn't you have breakfast this morning?"

Bob pinched Rose's nose dotingly, "I'm not talking about food. It's you that I want to eat. Let's go, come on."

Rose blushed at Bob's words.

Bob's voice was loud enough to be heard by Zion, who stood behind them, gritting his teeth and clinching his fists with bulging veins.

He shouldn't have abstained form sex. If so, he wouldn't lose Rose to Bob.

But now, there was nothing he could do.

After all, he had just merged the assets of the Clinton's Group.

It was not possible to fight against the Stock's Group before he could straighten everything out...

Just as he was thinking angrily, his phone rang.It was from Sage.

He took a deep breath and picked it up.

On the other end of the line, Sage asked softly, "Zion, are you still in the company?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Sage said coquettishly, "Our son wants to eat sliced cold chicken."

Zion narrowed his eyes, "I'll send my driver to bring it to you."

"No. Can't you come back and eat with me? Our son misses you..."

Zion interrupted Sage unhappily, "Sage, I'm very busy."

Sage was stunned for a moment before sensing Zion cold tone.

She asked worriedly, "Is it because Mr. Walton helped the Clinton's Group raise fund?"

This made Zion even more annoyed. He said coldly, "You don't have to worry about the company. Bye."

Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, Sage frowned seriously.

No ...

Zion got the news this morning. There was no reason that he held his anger until now.

She thought for a moment and made another phone call.

When she found out who Zion had just met in the hospital, her face turned cold.

Zion still couldn't break off with the Clinton family, could he?

Sage lowered her head and stared at her phone, which showed a photo taken secretly.

She raised her eyebrows. Then let her help Zion to make the decision.

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