16. What Was the Difference Between You and Zion!

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Hearing this, Rose was a little nervous.

Rose could clearly feel that Yates didn't welcome her very much.

However, Rose still nodded and smiled faintly, "Alright, Dad."

Bob grabbed Rose's wrist and turned to Yates and asked, "Dad, that's not right. This is the first time Rose has come to our house. Is there anything I can't hear?"

Yates said coldly, "Stop that. Sit with your uncle for a while."

"That won't do. We're newly married and glued together. I won't do it if you separate us. What are you going to talk about? Let's go."

As Bob spoke, he put his hand around Rose's shoulder.

Yates scolded angrily, "Bob!"

Just as Bob was about to say something, Rose hurriedly said, "Bob, you stay here. I'll go talk to Dad."

With that, Rose smiled at Bob and followed Yates into the study.

Rose closed the door and stood in front of the desk.

Rose looked respectfully at Yates, who had already sat down.

Yates pointed at the chair and said indifferently, "Sit down."

Rose thanked Yates and sat down.

After a few seconds of silence, Yates suddenly said, "I don't approve of your marriage to Bob."

Rose exhaled and nodded, "I know."


Rose looked at Yates and said calmly and seriously, "If I were you, I might not be able to accept a daughter-in-law like me. I was once married and abandoned, and now I am the laughing stock of Philadelphia. Even if ... I have never married, the Stocks is beyond my reach with the status of the Clintons. There is indeed a big gap between me and Bob."

Yates was originally solemn but then his face softened a bit.

Yates raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that you know where you stand very well, but I refuse to accept you not just because of this."

Rose was puzzled, wanting to know what her shortcomings were.

Yates asked in a deep voice, "Let me ask you, since you know that you are not right for Bob, why do you still marry Bob? Is it because of the Clintons?"

Rose nervously clasped her hands together, "Yes, for the sake of revenge on those who hurt me."

Yates looked at Rose with a grim expression, "This is the problem. Bob was carefully raised by me. He is very outstanding. Bob's eligible to find his lover who loves him and he will marry for love. Bob shouldn't be a tool for revenge as he is now!"

Hearing this, Rose looked down in shame.This was the deepest expression of a father's love for his son.

Yates said, "After knowing that you divorced Zion, I went to investigate you. You did no wrong in your last marriage. On the contrary, you loved Zion very much. I don't believe that you can transfer your love for Zion to my son in a short time. Then may I ask you, why should I accept a daughter-in-law who doesn't love Bob? What's the difference between you using Bob now and Zion who took advantage of you?"

Yates's words left Rose speechless.

It was also the first time Rose had discovered that this was actually the case.

What was the difference between Rose's despicable behavior and Zion's?

Rose was ashamed in front of Yates. She could only look down and say with guilt, "I'm sorry!"

Yates looked solemn again, "Ms. Clinton, I didn't call you in to hear you apologize. I hope you can show me your stance."

Rose looked at Yates and did not answer.

Yates said, "I can help Clinton's Group, but you have to leave Bob."

Rose frowned, but she could also understand Yates's feelings.

Rose got innocent Bob involved for her dirty thoughts.

Rose should have sent Bob back to Yates.

But ... Rose promised Bob.

As long as Bob didn't want to divorce, Rose definitely wouldn't ask for it....

Seeing Rose's embarrassment, Yates asked coldly, "What? Are you going to refuse me?"

Rose looked up and just as she was about to speak, the study door was pushed open.

Bob walked straight in and looked sulky.

Bob came to Rose and looked at Yates.

"Who let you in? You have no manners. Get out!"

Yates was irritated and said.Bob had no intention of leaving.

Bob looked at Yates and grinned cheekily, "I just wanted to ask you a question. Dad, do you know that all is fair in love means?"

Hearing this, Yates looked more indifferent.

After all the talk, Yates found that the problem didn't come from Rose, but Bob!

Seeing that Yates didn't say anything, Bob leaned against the desk and looked at Yates with an evil look, "The essential difference between Rose and Zion is that Zion forced Rose to suffer. As for me, I'd like to help Rose avoid suffering. If you chase away the woman I found, then don't expect to have a daughter-in-law. As for having a grandson ... Well, why don't you find someone else to give birth to an illegitimate child to fulfill your wish?"

Bob said with a mischievous smile, startling Rose.

How could Bob talk to his father like this?Rose pushed Bob's leg, but before she could speak, Yates flared up.

Yates casually grabbed the books on the table and smashed it at Bob, "You bastard, you're full of nonsense!"

Bob grabbed the books and put them back on the table with a smile.

Bob stood up and pulled Rose up as well.

Bob and Rose stood side by side.

Bob hugged Rose's shoulder and said to Yates, "I'm married, and I don't plan to divorce Rose. If you really dislike Rose, when you and mom miss me, you just call me and I'll come back to visit you guys myself without taking Rose home."

Yates said in a deep voice, "Bob, can't you talk to me properly?"

Bob shrugged, "I'm just being nice. Don't you find Rose unpleasing? I want to be a filial son and also want to be a nice husband, so I'll offer you a good plan. Besides, I'll give you a huge bonus that when we have kids, you can always pick them up."

"Of course, if you don't like Rose's child, you don't have to visit us. I have no objections, and neither does Rose. We are safe and sound. You're kindhearted while we are filial. Rose and I are on good terms. Dad, do you think my idea is perfect?"

Yates was enraged by Bob.

Yates pointed at the door and angrily scolded, "Get out! You don't need to come back!"

Seeing that Yates was so angry that he didn't even want Bob, Rose hurriedly said, "Dad, don't listen to him. Can you listen to me for a moment?"

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