108. If You Fall for the Wrong Man, You Will Have a Hellish Life

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Gabriel said, "Abby, I've finally got you."

The private room was quiet.Kenneth and Jeffrey looked at Miley at the same time.

Janice added, "You don't know how frightened I was. I thought he knew who I was when he had sex with me. He should have pretended to love me even if he couldn't forget his beloved one, but he didn't."

After saying that, she lowered her eyes, and forced a smile.

Although Janice did not know who Abby was, Janice was sad and miserable.

Therefore, she tried to push Gabriel away, but he grabbed her like a vine, and didn't let go of her.

Moreover, he gave her a fierce and angry look.

He was furious as if he was woken out of a very nice dream.

Then, he became rude to her.

Janice struggled and shouted, "Gabriel, just watch me. I'm not Abby. Please let go of me. I don't want to be a substitute."

Hearing this, Gabriel somehow reached out and straggled her.

"You can be Abby when I want sex."
he snarled.

Hearing this, Janice was disillusioned.

It turned out that she took it the wrong way.

Gabriel sometimes looked at her with affection.

But he didn't love her at all.

The woman he loved was Abby.

Janice remembered what he had said.

He said, "You look like her."

Janice said as she looked down at the ground, and cried.

Jeffrey looked at her.

Although Janice was not as beautiful as Miley, she had fine features and her eyes were as dewy as Miley's.

Hannah kindly picked up a box of tissues from the coffee table and handed it to Janice.

"What a naive girl. You shouldn't have loved him. If you meet your Mr. Right, you will start a heavenly life. But if you fall for the wrong man, you will have a hellish life...."

Jeffrey looked away and asked, "Then what happened?"

Janice sighed, "After that day, he gave me a cheque for one million. I always lived economically, so it was a lot of money for me, but I didn't take it. I stayed with him because I loved him, and I was willing to do anything for him."

"If I wanted to make money by sex, I would have many choices! I tried to get away with him, but he didn't let me go. He came to me from time to time as if nothing had happened."

"After school, I saw him wait for me at the school gate as usual. If I didn't get into the car, he would threaten to tell my classmates where I worked. When I got into his car and got to the clubhouse, he usually sat somewhere and drank alone."

"When I was bullied, he would stand up for me. However, I no longer got touched, nor would I think he was a good man. Of course, he didn't force me to do anything or hurt me anymore."

"But ... I found I was actually pregnant. I was scared at first, and I didn't want to have a child with him. However, it was a life in my belly, so I couldn't get an abortion."

"After suffering for many days, I decided to bear this child and hide this from Gabriel. Therefore, I began to save money before my belly grew, and wanted to leave New York for a new life."

Janice said with a firm look on her face.

Seeing this, Hannah frowned, "Then why did he find you were pregnant?"

Janice sighed, "I got badly nauseous, so I often went to the bathroom when I was in the clubhouse. He was very suspicious, so he stopped me at the door one day."

He asked, "Are you sick these days? Why do you always vomit?"

Janice explained, "I usually have problems with my stomach."

He sneered, "You never mentioned this before. I think you're pregnant. I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow. If you're pregnant, you must get an abortion."

Janice was stunned when she heard this.

He wore a smile on his face, but his eyes were relentless.

Looking at his face, she wanted to slap him.

How ruthless he was!

She was very regretful.

"I'm not pregnant!"

Janice said coldly.

"I've always had stomach problems, but I didn't tell anyone about it."

However, Gabriel didn't believe her. He coldly looked at her and said, "I always wear a condom, but I didn't that night, so I will...."

Hearing that, Janice sneered, "You didn't wear a condom because you thought I was Abby, but I wasn't her. Don't worry, even if I'm pregnant, I won't blame you. It's too late. I have to go back to school. Goodbye."

After that day, she didn't see him for two days.

On the third night, when she was at work, he came to her again.

He took her to the hospital, and forced her to do a blood test.

After it was confirmed that Janice was pregnant, he took her to his villa.

Janice never expected him to be as cold as an iceberg.

He said, "You mustn't bear this child. You'd better be mentally prepared for this."

Janice tried to run out of the villa, but she failed again and again.

She knew what Gabriel did was illegal.

However, she also believed she could not fight against Gabriel.

If she insisted, it wouldn't end well for her.

But she didn't give up when she thought of this child.

Therefore, after she escaped from the villa, she came to the clubhouse and asked for her salary.

To her shock, Gabriel followed her there. But fortunately, she met Hannah there.

"Ms. Pence, I know it will cause trouble for you, but I have no other choice."

Hannah looked at Janice, and thought Janice was pitiful.

Janice really loved Gabriel.

But he didn't appreciate it, and even destroyed it.

Moreover, Janice was so young....

Hannah was soft-hearted and hot-headed, so it was hard for her to turn away anyone who needed help.

She nodded and said, "Okay. I see. Just go home with me later."

Jeffrey looked at her worriedly and whispered, "Hannah, why not having a second thought?"

However, Kenneth smiled and said, "It's a virtue for us to help the others. We'd better listen to Hannah."

Miley turned to look at Kenneth, and was surprised that Kenneth agreed to help Janice.

What was Kenneth thinking?

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