99. Is It Because You Are Close to Me?

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Miley sighed and sat back on the swing again, "I also feel sorry for Adam, but ... are you just gonna pretend Kenneth was not your father all your life? He's also a poor guy, isn't he?"

Daren pouted, "Does he want to have me as his son? Will he be happy if he knows I'm his son?"


Miley nodded.

Miley felt that she was a wise one. It was much better to let Daren make the decision.

"Mom, let me think about it again."

"Alright, I will wait for your decisions."

When they returned to Kenneth's room, Daren began to look at Kenneth in a different way.

Miley winked at Kenneth and Kenneth pretended to be calm as he looked at the two of them.

"What secret do you have? Why did you talk for so long?"

Daren sat in front of Kenneth and sat like a grown-up, "If I told you, that wouldn't be a secret anymore. Mr. Moore, let's go on a play."

Miley pursed her lips and smiled but Kenneth was a little confused.

Didn't they talk about letting Daren know who his father was?

Why were they so calm?

Alright, since Miley winked at him, he should just wait and see....

This day.

Kenneth brought Miley to a reception, accompanied by Jeffrey.

At the reception, Kenneth looked around and finally fixed his eyes on a woman.

He said to Jeffrey, "Come, I will introduce someone to you. Perhaps she can help you with your work."

"Alright, thank you, Mr. Moore."

No ordinary entrepreneurs could qualify to enter this place, so everyone here was extraordinary.

Just as Jeffrey was about to follow Kenneth forward excitedly, he looked around.

And he found that everyone looking was towards the door.

He also looked at the door curiously.

Then, a woman walked into the hall arm in arm with Gabriel.

Gabriel was looking at Miley calmly.

Jeffrey raised his hand to grab Kenneth and said with panic, "Mr. Moore, look."

Kenneth turned around, raised his eyebrows, and sneered.

When Miley heard the sound, she also turned around to have a look.

When she saw Gabriel, the smile on her face disappeared and her face turned gloomy.

Why was he here?

Kenneth extended his hand to Miley.

Miley lowered her head and held his hand.

Kenneth pursed his lips and smiled, "It doesn't matter. Don't worry. I'm here."

Miley nodded.

With Kenneth around, she wasn't afraid of anything.

Kenneth pointed forward and the assistant pushed him towards the corner.

There was a woman in a red evening dress.

She was dealing with various noble ladies with ease.

When Miley saw that woman, joy appeared on her face.


Kenneth called that woman calmly.

Hearing this, Hannah Pence turned around and saw Miley through the crowd.

She raised her eyebrows and said to the women beside her, "Sorry, I'm going to see an acquaintance."

The women moved aside, and Hannah came to Kenneth and Miley with a sweet smile.

"Kenneth, why did you come here personally? My brother guessed that you might not be present today, so he left the job to me again. If I had known you would come, I would have stayed home."

Hannah said as she looked at Miley, "Hello, Miley, we meet again."

"Hannah, nice to see you again."

Kenneth said, "Hannah, let me introduce you to someone. This is Jeffrey, my wife's uncle."

Jeffrey immediately stepped forward and shook hands with Hannah.

After the two of them talked for a while, Kenneth said, "You two talk about work. Miley and I will take a walk."

Hannah nodded.

Miley stepped forward and pushed Kenneth away.

Before they left, she smiled at Jeffery naughtily....

Not far away, Gabriel walked over with two wine glasses in hand.

"Mr. Moore, would you like a drink?"

Gabriel handed Kenneth the wine glass in his left hand.

Kenneth raised his eyebrows and naturally accepted, "Since you invited me to drink, I must accept it."

Miley looked at Gabriel with alertness.

This man was such a cunning one that it was hard for people to understand him.

She knew that Kenneth could deal with him, but she was still a little nervous.

She was afraid that Kenneth would accidentally be tricked by him.

"I saw that you and Abby had a nice chat just now. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time."

"Abby, are you and Mr. Moore together again now? Didn't you say you were going to marry Mr. Jones? What? Did you change your mind?"

Miley said with cold eyes, "It's none of your business. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Robinson."

"Don't say that. You were my nephew's favorite woman when he was alive. My nephew and were I so close. I should have cared about his girlfriend, right?"

Kenneth sneered, "So, Mr. Robinson, tell me. Are you really so close to your nephew? Why didn't I remember that you cried when your nephew died? Do I have some misunderstanding about the word 'close'?"

Miley nodded, "So do I."

Gabriel was always patient. When facing Miley, he always had enough perseverance too.

Of course, he wasn't in a hurry to achieve his goal.

"It doesn't mean I was not in pain. If you think that crying after losing represents a close relationship, then you really misunderstood the word 'close'."

Miley said coldly, "If you are even not willing to shed tears for him, then the so-called close relationship is fake."

"According to what you said, after Adrien betrayed you, you came to my house drunk. Then you cried and shouted my name in your sleep ..."

Gabriel deliberately slowed down when he talked about this since he was looking at Miley's panicked expression.

He liked the feeling of torturing his prey without killing it.

After a while, he asked, "Is it because you are close to me?"

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