61. Do You Mind If Kenneth Has Children?

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In the morning, Miley snuggled up in bed with magazines until ten o'clock.

She should have gone downstairs for shopping, but before she went out, the doorbell rang.

Why a guest comes to visit at this time?

She walked to the door and looked out through the peephole, only to find that the guest was Kenneth's ex-girlfriend who she had met yesterday.

Miley opened the door.

The woman outside the door was very modest, "Hello, Miss Miley, may I talk to you?"

Miley frowned. 'Since she has come here, I have to listen to her words. '

She calmly let Lily in.

Since she had decided to take the love with Kenneth seriously, she had already made preparations to tackle these women around Kenneth.

Miley poured two glasses of water for her and Lily and sat on the sofa.

"You still don't know who I am, do you? My name is Lily, Kenneth's junior sister."

"Oh, so you're Lily."

Miley said with a straightforward expression.

"It's me. Have you heard my name before?"

"I once heard Marvin mention it."

Lily said calmly, "Then ... I thought that I don't need to introduce myself anymore. Actually, I divorced because of Kenneth. I want to come back to him, but I didn't expect that he had got married."

Miley smiled and said, "Sister Lily, you should be more open-minded. And Kenneth is not young now. He needs to get married before aging. Besides, no man has no an ex-girlfriend or a first crush in his life. An ex-lover couldn't disrupt his current life, right? Sorry, I'll answer the phone first."

Miley stood up and walked to the TV cabinet, picking up the vibrating mobile phone.

Seeing the caller ID, she slightly raised her eyebrows and answered the phone.

She said coquettishly, "Hey, honey."

She herself was almost disgusted by this address.

"My lazy bones, have you got up?"

"You're so bad. I'm not lazy bones. I got up early and will go shopping later."

"It's almost eleven o'clock!" Kenneth said softly.

"Hurry up. I'll send someone to pick you up later."

"I can't go now. Your junior sister Lily is here."

Kenneth's expression changed, "What is she doing there?"

"Mm ... Sister Lily said that she divorced for you. She wanted to come back to you, but she didn't expect that you had got married."

Lily looked over at Miley.

She probably didn't expect Miley to be so tough.

Kenneth clenched his fists and said, "Don't overthink.We are history. Give her the phone."

Miley said yes gently and handed the phone to Lily, "Sister Lily, my husband wants to talk to you."

Lily awkwardly took the phone, "Kenneth."

Kenneth's cold voice came from the phone, which was different from the state where he spoke to Miley, "Lily, I have already forgotten about the past. I warn you that you'd better not pester me and stay away from Miley."

"Kenneth, I just..."

"Shut up!"

Kenneth shouted, "I won't listen to anything. Please leave my house immediately."

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