121. You Don't Love Me!

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Frowning, Miley clenched her phone tightly and sat straight.

"Janice, what's wrong? What happened?"

Janice tried her best to stop crying.

"Gabriel locked me up. It's almost my due date. I can't escape."

"Janice, calm down. I'll find someone to help you. Don't cry. Don't hurt the baby. Where are you now?"

"I don't know. When I came out of the hospital after my maternity test, someone pulled me into the car. I'm in a villa and there are many mountains around."

"What did Gabriel say? Did he want you to have an abortion again?"

"He said ... he said his child can't call anyone else father. Miley, I think he wants to snatch my baby."

Miley subconsciously looked at Beck in the cradle.

She could understand Janice at this moment.

"Don't worry. Calm down. If he doesn't want to hurt the baby, you should calm him down first. Talk with him and pretend to be pitiful."

"Miley, I'm scared. How should I talk with him? What do I need to say?"

Miley bit her lips and frowned, "Janice, tell him how you feel as a mother. You must be fragile in front of him. Tell him, you know if he wants the baby, you can't stop him. Tell him you only hope him not to take away the baby before the hundred-day celebration. If he doesn't agree, beg him. "

"But, what if he doesn't listen to my pleas?"

"He will listen. Trust me."

Janice didn't say anything, but she was still sobbing.

"Janice, you are a mother, you must be brave. Even if he doesn't agree, you must keep talking with him. Trust me. Gabriel still loves you. You must stall him. I really want to help you right now, but I can't. I just gave birth. Now, I can only ask Kenneth to stall Gabriel in the business, so that he will have no time to bother you. "

Janice seemed to cheer herself up.

She took a deep breath and said, "Alright, I'll talk with him."

"Don't worry, I will help you after I finish the confinement. Hannah is abroad now, and she can't come back. But we will not leave you alone."


In the middle of June, Janice gave birth to a daughter.

Gabriel did not chase Janice away, but asked someone to take care of them.

This was why Miley felt Janice was special to Gabriel.

At least, he was merciful towards Janice.

Kenneth came back at around four p.m.

And he brought back a lot of supplements.

Hannah said, "Kenneth, I think bringing supplements to Gabriel is just a waste of money."

"We are going to talk with him at his home. This is different from quarreling outside. And all the supplements are for Janice."

Miley gave Kenneth a thumb up.

They left the hotel together and drove to Gabriel's villa.

Miley was silence on the way.After entering the villa, they did not look around.

"I didn't expect that you would come to see me. You are the last people willing to come here."

Gabriel sat leisurely on the sofa and drank tea.

"We're not here to see you."

Hannah snorted coldly.

"I'm here to see Janice."

"Janice is on the second floor, please yourself."

Gabriel waved his hand.

They were all surprised.Miley and Hannah looked at each other.

Hannah followed the nanny upstairs.

Gabriel whispered, "Abby, you have something to tell me, right? Do you want to talk with me alone?"

Miley looked at Kenneth and nodded.

Kenneth knew that she had something to say, so he wouldn't stop them.


Miley said calmly.

Gabriel glanced coldly at Kenneth and said to Miley, "Come to the study."

Miley stood up and followed Gabriel to his study.

Before entering, she turned around to reassure Kenneth.

After entering the study, she closed the door.

"Why are you so relieved to close the door?"

Gabriel smiled mischievously.

"Kenneth is outside. Why should I be worried?"

Gabriel did not say anything and walked to the desk to sit down.

He pointed to the seat across the desk and said, "Have a seat."

Miley sat down politely.

Gabriel stared at Miley for a while and said with a mixture of feelings, "I really didn't expect that one day, you would be willing to talk to me."

"Actually, I didn't expect that we would sit together and talk in peace. I thought we would never face each other calmly in this lifetime."

"I'm always very calm in front of you. But you can't accept me, so you always think I'm extreme."

He picked up the purple sand teacup on the desk and took a sip.

Miley bit her lips and smiled, "Perhaps, we got along with each other in the wrong way. It's not too late for us to correct it now."

"Can we correct it? If not for Janice, you wouldn't talk to me alone today, right? No, to be exact, you wouldn't come to my house at all, right?"


Miley nodded honestly.

Gabriel was shrewd.

She thought she'd better be honest to him.She was obviously no match for him in playing tricks.

Therefore, she would rather talk to him calmly.

"Shouldn't I be grateful for your honesty?"

Gabriel rubbed his eyebrows.

Miley shook her head.

"I just tell you that I really want a sincere talk with you. Gabriel, let's look back. Do you think if my sister didn't have the accident and you got me, you could protect me for the rest of life?"

"Of course I can."

Gabriel said without hesitation.

"I refuse you all these years because I can feel that you don't love me. You just want to possess me. Perhaps you think I have wronged you. I can apologize. But Gabriel, I have a loved one. I know very well what love is, and you don't love me!"

"Have you finished?"

Gabriel said in a trembling voice.

Miley nodded.

She finished all she wanted to say with sincerity.

"Then can you listen to me carefully?" Gabriel said in a serious look.

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