130. The End!!!

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Miller was surprised for a moment. "What did you say?"

Kenneth stared at him with resentment...

Miller's voice shivered, "You mean ... you're ... my son?"

As he spoke, he looked down and suddenly recalled he once forced Tiara...

Didn't it happen to be the year before Kenneth was born?

As for the month...

Miller looked at Kenneth with shock.

"You really are..."

"I don't admit you are my father! You did harm to so many people. I will never admit you! I catch up with you today not for money. You can take away one hundred million, then I will break off all relations with you. From now on, don't appear in front of me again. Also, don't harass Miley and my two children!"

Miller looked down at his watch and suddenly rushed towards Kenneth like a madman.

He untied the rope from Kenneth's ankle with his hands trembling.

"What are you doing?"

Kenneth stared at him.

"Kenneth, quiet. I planted bombs here. I need to get you out of here quickly."

Kenneth roared, "You're crazy."

"Kenneth, I'm wrong. Just let me finish. I didn't know you are my son. Tiara hates me. I never expected that she would give birth to my child. It's all my fault. I'm sorry for Tiara. I'm sorry for Marcel."

After the rope was untied, Miller pushed Kenneth and said, "Get out of here, now! It's going to explode."

Kenneth stood up and ran out.

He ran a few steps but found that Miller did not move.

He turned around and shouted, "What are you doing? Run!"

"I should pay a prize for my fault."

"Are you crazy?"

Kenneth stepped forward to grab him and then ran out.

"If you want to die, find another place. Don't implicate me."

Miller was worried that he would implicate Kenneth, so he ran out with him.

Just as they arrived at the stairs, Miller looked down at his watch.

It was too late.

He reached out to push Kenneth towards the stairs.

Behind him, the bomb exploded.

Kenneth was blasted a few meters away by the heat wave.

Then he fell into a corner and fainted...

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the hospital.

But he didn't know that he was in coma for more than four months.

Miller already died...

A month later, at the entrance of the CEO's office of the Moore Group.

The secretaries were busy preparing for the semi-annual celebration of the group.

Miley walked in while she was on the phone.

She just got two good news from phone calls.

She couldn't wait to share them with Kenneth.

The first was that Hannah was pregnant for more than 50 days.

The second was that Adam and Heidi would hold their wedding on the first day of next month.

Heidi finally married the man she loved for so many years.

And this man also began to love her.

Everything was developing in a good direction.

Everyone was happy, and Miley also felt very happy.

The next day, at Cypress Hills Cemetery.

Kenneth hugged Miley with one hand and took Beck in his arm, while Miley held Daren's hand.

They came to sweep graves for Miley's mother and sister.

After that, Miley asked Kenneth to wait for her with two children at the intersection.

After Kenneth left with the children.

Miley put on a happy smile as he looked at the pictures of her mother and sister.

"Mom, sister, I am very happy now. My husband loves me and my children are cute. I have all I want. You can rest in peace."


Kenneth stood in the distance and watched Miley walk towards him with the sun shining on her.

He suddenly felt that happiness was very simple.

It was enough to have his loved one and two children by his side.

When you were happy, the world was gentle.

He would love them with all his tenderness for the rest of life.

The future was full of expectations.

And his life would be full of happiness...

Note: Here ends this story! And Mr.Walter please control your love...

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