122. Decided to Start a New Life!

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Miley replied, "Alright."

Gabriel stared at her.

"Miley, I accept your apology because you were wrong. I was born with a strong sense of purpose. Back then, I fell in love with you at first sight. Do you know why I found Janice?"

Miley wanted to say that it was most likely because of her.

Sure enough, Gabriel said, "Because I saw you in her at the first time I saw her. You may not know how I felt when I first saw you, but I can still fell it when I think of that moment now. That day, you wore a ponytail and a high school uniform with a youthful look on your face."

"The moment I saw you, my heart, which had always been hidden in the ice cave, seemed to be illuminated by the light. I wonder why there is such a miraculous girl in the world. Your smile is like sunlight, able to penetrate my skin and spread through my soul to the depths of my heart."

"I like your smile at that time. I like that girl. I like the warmth on your body. People who live in the shadows will always instinctively want to get close to the sunshine. So, I want you. "

Afterwards, Gabriel often dreamed of Miley with a ponytail, and her smile was always as brilliant as when he first met her.

When Miley saw him, she would call him uncle like Adrien did.

At that time, Miley saw that his eyes were filled with warmth.

It was as if the president of Robinson's Group, who was always proud, was nobody to Miley.

What he liked about Miley was that she didn't care about anything.

He would find Janice because Janice laughed like Miley, warm and sunny.

Therefore, he slept with Janice that day without spending a penny.

He felt that this was a blessing for Janice.

Afterwards, he gave Janice a check, but Janice rejected it with disdain.

He didn't understand why Janice was so poor but so arrogant, so he kept pestering her.

He just wanted to know if this was Janice's move of playing hard to get.

Unfortunately, he discovered that Janice often retched without rhyme or reason when she was working.

She may be pregnant, and the child must be his.

He was watching her, so she could not contact with other men.

What Gabriel hated the most was to use child to bind him.

He didn't like children either.

Therefore, he naturally wouldn't let Janice give birth to this child.

When he tied Janice and Miley to his residence that day, he was indeed prepared to give Janice an abortion.

But when he entered the room and saw Janice pleading with him, he was moved by pity.

Gabriel was a cold person.

Compassion was not enough for him to give up the idea of giving Janice an abortion.

That day, Janice' words caused Gabriel to change his mind.

Gabriel remembered her words very clearly.

She said, "Mr. Robinson, as long as you let go of me and my baby, I am willing to disappear from your world forever. I will definitely keep my word. I do not want your money, but I must protect this child. It is a part of me. I cannot kill it."

She continued, "Mr. Robinson, I am a very shameless woman. I have been with many men. I have not only slept with you. This child is not yours. I can write a guarantee for you. Even if the child grows up, I will definitely not bring the child back to pester you."

Looking at her, Gabriel suddenly felt that he did not understand the woman in front of him at all.

Didn't she play hard to get?

How could a woman say such words to hurt herself in order to protect the child of a man who did not love her?

She said that she was shameless, and that she had slept with many men, but Gabriel  knew that this child was his!

He didn't want a child, but he still let Janice go.

After Janice left, Gabriel regretted it.

Weren't women all two-faced?

What if this was just Janice's trick?

He thought about it and still felt that something was wrong, so he found someone to help him find Janice's whereabouts and began to follow her.

Later, he discovered that Janice had become friends with Adam.

He had to admit that Adam was a very attractive man.

At that time, he felt a little unset in his heart.

Why did every woman he liked would meet Adam when they were running away?

He was extremely irritated, so he used an even more extreme method.

He spent money to hire someone to hook up with Janice.

If the first man failed, he would hire the second.

If the second man failed, he would hire the third.

However, when the third man came, Janice told the man that she was in love with a man.

She loved the father of her child very much and would not consider marrying someone else.

She said that the father of her child was dead.

Before the father of her child died, she had promised that she would never marry again and that she would stay with their child for the rest of her life.

This was a result that Luce didn't expect.

A woman was unmoved by a wealthy man.

At that time, he discovered that she was really a different woman.

She didn't sleep with him because of money, but because of him...

After Gabriel finished speaking, both of them fell into silence.

Miley was pleasantly surprised. This was clearly love.

Gabriel fell in love with Miley.

As long as he discovered this, everything would be different.

However, she did not remind him, because she knew people like Gabriel too well and he would not allow others to guide him in his life.

If she spoke too much, Gabriel would mistake her and reject to face his heart even more.

She wanted to wait for Gabriel to speak.

After a long while, Gabriel said, "Miley, I've made a decision. Do you want to hear it?"

Miley smiled and said, "If it's a decision that is beneficial to everyone, why don't I listen to it?"

"Your smile is still as charming as before, but don't worry, I have got over with you. You're right. There's no need to be too obsessed with what I can't get. It's time for me to change my lifestyle. I think I might never get you again in this lifetime. Rather than always being obsessed with the woman who does not belong to me and risking my career, why don't I let go?"

"I've decided that I want to start a new life. Who knows? Perhaps Janice will bring me a different experience for the rest of my life. But I must tell you, losing me is definitely your greatest loss."

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