54. Mental Illness!!

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Miley hesitated for a moment and asked doubtfully, "Didn't he tell you?"

Sarah shook her head. "I didn't ask him."

Miley picked up her glass and took a sip, "Then you should ask him yourself. I think it's not proper to tell you on my own."

The corners of Sarah's mouth stiffened.

Then, she smiled and said, "If I ask him, he might think that I'm jealous. Kenneth doesn't like jealous women, so I don't want to put pressure on him. After all, I'm sincere to him and I don't want to lose him."

After saying that, Sarah tossed off the wine in her glass.

Miley felt bitter.

Before she came, she had thought about what Sarah would say.

However, she still felt very uncomfortable hearing this....

Seeing that Miley kept silent, Sarah began to drink wine.

"Actually, I know that you and Kenneth are not uncle and niece. Kenneth used to treat me well too. These years, Kenneth has changed many female companions, but he has never abandoned me. I think he has some affection for me, right?"

Sarah drank a lot and kept talking.

Except for answering her occasionally, Miley kept silent most of the time.

After one hour, two hours, and finally...

Sarah was drunk and fell onto the sofa.

Miley took out her phone and called Kenneth.

Kenneth answered the phone with pleasure, "Is the meal ready?"

Miley sighed and walked out of the private room.

"Your girlfriend asked me for a drink."

Kenneth frowned, "Who?"


"Why did she ask you for a drink?"

"To tell me about her love for you."

It was only half an hour since Miley told him the address, and Kenneth already appeared in the private room.

Miley thought that Kenneth really cared about Sarah.

Seeing Sarah was drunk, Kenneth helped her up.

When walked to the door, he found Miley was still in the room.

So he looked back at her.

"Won't you go?"

"You can go and enjoy your night with her since you've spent a lot of money on her. I understand your needs, so you don't need to care about me. You can just go."

Kenneth's face fell.

Was she trying to push him to Sarah?

Very good.

She really needed to be taught a lesson.

Kenneth handed Sarah over to Stanley, "Call her assistant and send her back to the hotel."

"Yes, sir."

Stanley helped Sarah up while Kenneth pulled Miley away without saying anything.

He drove to the Moores' Hotel.

"Didn't you finish your work? How about I go home first?"

"No way. Don't you understand my needs?"

Kenneth said with a cold look.

Miley blinked.

What did he mean by that?

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