47. He Must Be Crazy!

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Kenneth said coldly, "No. Please be sincere, if you want to treat me. Have something that caters for me."

The car started and drove towards the most expensive restaurant in New York.

When they reached their destination, Miley grabbed her seat belt tightly and refused to get out of the car.

"How can we have dinner if you don't get off?"

"I don't like food here."

"But it is my favorite!" Kenneth said as he pulled open the door and got out of the car.

Seeing that Kenneth had already entered the restaurant, Miley had to step out with reluctance.

One meal here would cost her at least 800 dollars.

They two entered and sat down at the table.

Kenneth snapped his fingers and the waiter respectfully handed over the menu, "President Moore, welcome."

Kenneth opened the menu and ordered a few dishes.

After the waiter left, Miley put on a bitter expression, as if she had suffered.

"Why are you acting like that?"

Kenneth tried to keep a straight face.

The spiritless Miley leaned back, "I'm going to lose money."

"It was you who promised to treat me."

"Don't ask me out, if the dinner cost more than two hundred dollars. I'm so poor that I can't afford it."

Kenneth raised his right hand, covering his mouth and smiling.

When the food was served on the table, he thought she wouldn't be in the mood to eat it.

But she should put up the napkin and begin to enjoy the dishes.

Her eating could trigger others' appetite.

"Didn't you say that you don't like food here?"

Kenneth raised his eyebrows.

"I am cleaning my plate, being against food waste."

Kenneth began to eat elegantly.

A graceful figure walked over and said coquettishly, "President Moore, what a coincidence."

Miley turned around and had a look. It was that flaunting and superficial woman.

"This is..."

That woman looked at Miley provocatively, throwing out her full and round breast.

"I'm Kenneth's niece!"

Miley smiled.

"President Moore has a niece?"

Kenneth stared at Miley, trying to find out what tricks she was playing.

"You must be Isabella, right?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, "You ... know me?"

Miley gave Isabella a thumbs up as she said, "Of course. Kenneth often talks about you. He said that you are not only beautiful and but also an expert in that thing."

Kenneth's hand trembled, itching to take Miley away.

She deserved to be beaten up.

Isabella patted her forehead in embarrassment, "I am so sorry that I didn't bring any gifts for you, as I hadn't expected to meet you here."

Miley pulled Isabella to sit down with a cute smile on her face.

"You don't need to be sorry. You can treat me to this meal, as a gift."

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