111. How Is the Baby?

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A few people came to the door and pulled Miley out.Others stepped forward and held Janice at bay.

Janice shouted, "You bastard, Gabriel."

Miley also shouted, "Shame on you, Gabriel. Janice's not in this for money and fame. She loves you with all her heart. You clearly have a soft spot for her. Why are you hurting her like this? If Janice hates you, won't you regret it?"

"Shut up and scram!"

Gabriel threw a sharp glance at his secretary, and the secretary pulled Miley out forcefully.

Miley heard Janice's squeals of imploration receding.

She bit her lips as she pushed the secretary away.

Then she turned around, ran out, and called Kenneth.

"Kenneth, Janice needs you. Gabriel forces her to have an abortion."

"Miley, don't worry. I'm on my way."

Just now, Hannah discovered that they were missing.

Some witnesses said that they were pushed into a car.

Gabriel was immediately suspected.

Thus, Hannah contacted Kenneth.

Right now, they were on their way to the Robinson's.

After a dozen minutes, Kenneth and Hannah arrived.

"Why are you so late? I'm freaking out. Come with me."

Miley pulled Kenneth towards the Robinson's.

"Miley, slow down. You're pregnant. Be careful not to hurt the baby."

But on arrival, they saw Janice stagger out with tears on her face. She looked quite pale.

Miley's heart skipped a beat.

Were they too late?

She stepped forward and grabbed Janice's arm.

"Janice, how is the baby? Did Gabriel abort him?"

Janice said in a voice trembling with fear, "The baby ... is still here. Please take me out of here."

Hannah stepped forward and grabbed Janice's hand.

"Let's go. I'll take you back to the hospital for an examination."

Janice shook her head. "No, I can't go to the hospital. I have to leave New York."

Hannah looked at Kenneth and Miley and said, "Get in the car first."

She helped Janice to the intersection and then they got into the car.

Miley leaned against Kenneth and left with them.In the car, Hannah asked, "Janice, what happened?"

"They took me to a room and gave me some medicine. I cried with all my might, begging Gabriel for my child's life. I told him that if I lost the baby, I would ram my head through the wall."

"I said if he let me go, I could leave New York and disappear forever. I don't know what part of that touched him, but he entered the room and dragged me to the door."

"He told me to go away. If he sees me again, I must have an abortion. So, I must leave now and never see him again."

Hannah was taken aback that Gabriel could be so cruel.

"Who the hell is he? Janice, don't be afraid. I have arranged for a bodyguard to look out for you 24 hours a day. After the baby is born, Gabriel would strangle him? I bet he dare not do it."

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