12. He Has also Loved Me for Ten Years!

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Rose really wanted to say damn.

However, since she was the one that started this, she could only take it.

She really couldn't understand why Bob was so careless.

The scandal had already made headlines.

And he was still thinking about sleeping with her.

Rose was extremely tired, but she still got up and dressed herself.

She leaned on the bed to look through the news.

Bob leaned his head against her arm and watched with her.

She subconsciously lowered her phone a bit.

There were two videos. One was of her wandering in front of the Bob's for a long while last night, and later went in with Bob after he returned.

The second one was of her leaving the villa the second day wearing last night's clothes.

The title was rather ribald.

Breaking News! Rose Clinton, a Married Woman, Spent the Night with Bob Stock of Philadelphia!

Rose casually clicked open the comments section.

In less than four hours, the comments had already exceeded 300,000...

Moreover, all the netizens were surprisingly united this time in criticizing her as shameless.

After all, Zion had been her knight for eight years.

They got married, and kept the image of a perfect couple who were so fond of and loyal to each other.

So many people envied them.

But now, she betrayed the good man Zion and slept with another man...

Bob, who had been silent beside her, finally asked, "Rose?"

Rose immediately looked at him, expecting his opinion on it.

However, Bob put his nose against her arm and sniffed, "Why do you smell so good?"

Rose sighed speechlessly.

He is truly a unique man.How could he say such words at such a time?

"Bob, can you be a little more serious? Didn't you see that I'm in a rage right now?"

Bob rolled his eyes at her, "You're keeping being stupid if you get angry with this."

Rose was speechless for a moment, "Hey!"

Bob sat up, still naked.

Rose turned her eyes away awkwardly.

Bob said, "There are surveillance cameras at my gate."

Rose stared at the video and said, "But these videos are clearly not from the cameras at your gate, but look like they are taken secretly from the opposite of your house."

Bob smiled, "You little fool. You were being followed. If you want to know who it was, just look through the footage of the cameras at my gate. It's easy."

"That's right!"

Rose shouted with delight.

With the surveillance cameras, it was a piece of cake to find out who it was.

Bob touched his chin with one hand and said, "I think it's very likely to be your ex-husband."

Rose shook her head as if she thought of something, "It shouldn't be him!"


Bob asked in displeasure, "Do you really believe that he wouldn't do such a despicable thing?"

Rose looked at Bob and said seriously, "It's not that, but ... he was very surprised today when we met him in the hospital. It seemed he didn't know we were together. So, he didn't say nasty things at first."

Bob raised his eyes, "Even if it's not him, he must have something to do with it. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

As he spoke, he got up from the bed and walked towards the

Rose instantly shifted her eyes away.It was true that they had had sex.

However, she would still be uneasy to see him like this.

While Bob was taking the bath, Rose quickly got out of bed, dressed herself neatly, and began to pack her things.

The chaos on the bed made her unconsciously swallow.

She had expected to do it with Zion, but now she did it with another man, and felt ... a little addicted.

What was going on?

Was she actually this kind of a woman?

After Bob finished the bath, Rose had packed up all her things.

She patted her suitcase and said, "Ready to go."

Bob pointed out the window and said, "I'm afraid we won't be able to leave today."


"Right now, there must be a lot of reporters outside your house. They are waiting to interview you, this disloyal woman. Things will only get worse if you go out right now. We'd better leave tomorrow."

Rose walked to the window and looked out. It was getting dark and the street lights were dim.

But she could still see that there were indeed many cars on the roadside in the distance.

Under the light, there seemed to be a crowd of people.She took a deep breath and closed the curtains, very depressed.

She was the victim, okay?

Bob took out his phone and walked out, "I'm going to make a phone call. You take some more rest."

Rose nodded.

After Bob left, Rose picked up her phone.

A call from Zion came in right on time.Seeing Zion's number, Rose hung up immediately.

She didn't want to hear anything else from this bastard.

But not long after, Zion sent a text message.

"Rose, as long as you agree to leave Bob now, I will still keep my promise to ensure a good life for you and Dad. I will also clarify in public that you and Bob are clear. I'll be there for you unconditionally."


When he said this, there was already a condition.

This man was truly shameless.Rose dialed Zion's number back as if thought of something.

Zion quickly picked up the phone. Rose scolded angrily, "Zion, what do you mean by that? Are you saying that if I don't divorce Bob, you're going to accuse me of cheating like everyone else?"

"Rose, you're in trouble right now, you need my help, don't you?" Zion said warmly.

Rose's eyes sparkled cunningly, but she cried painfully, "Zion, why did you say that to me? It was you that cheated on me. You told me that you were in bad health and needed abstain from sex. I believed you, and kept being a virgin after two years of our marriage. What did you do? You screw with Sage day by day."

"She's even pregnant with your child now, but you're threatening to be one of the people who attack me on the Internet. You betrayed me first. Why can't I choose to be with Bob after our divorce? He has also loved me for ten years."

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