51. Dude, She Is Far out of Your Reach!

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After a week of recovery, Miley was finally discharged from the hospital.

Although she was treated as a VIP patient during the past few days, she was still a patient after all.

Lying on the hospital bed would make people feel inexplicable fear.

Tomorrow is the Moore Group's annual meeting.

Miley asked for an invitation from Kenneth for Jeffrey....

At three o'clock in the afternoon of the annual meeting, Kenneth sent his secretary, Amy, to pick up Miley from his new house.

They went to the beauty salon to have a massage, do hair and makeup, and get changed.

Amy took Miley to the Moore's Hotel.

The entrance of the Moore's Hotel was like a Grand Avenue of Stars today.

Many paparazzi were waiting here to capture the exciting scenes.

Their colleagues were also here.

To keep a low profile, Miley took the dedicated elevator for the president quietly, from the hotel parking lot to the entrance of the banquet hall.

She held hands with Jeffrey and signed in at the entrance....The host's voice came from the stage.

Amidst the warm applause, Kenneth came up on the stage to give a speech.

He looked around and found Miley in the crowd at his first glance.

She is gorgeous today, so stunning that no one can move eyes from her.

Miley winked at him and smiled.

Kenneth compressed his lips and began to speak.

Seeing this seemingly indistinct smile from a distance, Miley suddenly felt her heart beating faster.

It was tough to imagine that this graceful, sophisticated and confident man standing on the stage was her husband.

She felt like that she had hit the jackpot.

After Kenneth's speech, the thunderous applause from the audience stopped her thoughts.

Not long after, Kenneth came to her with a glass of wine and whispered, "How is it? Are you still used to it?"

Miley leaned closer to him and said, "Sweet, Romeo is here. Don't forget what you have promised me."

"I'll give you a chance to interview him after dinner."

"Mr. Moore." a delicate voice approached him from nearby.

Miley turned around and was shocked by the powder pancake-faced model, Isabella.

Seeing Miley, Isabella pinched her face as if she was treating a child, "Miley, you came here too. You're so cute today."

Miley smiled sweetly and said, "Isabella, you are beautiful, too."

After the talk, she turned around to look for Jeffrey.

Then she saw that Sarah, who is the Heavenly Empress of Love Song, was walking over here with a glass of wine in her hands.


Miley snickered.

New love and ex-love appeared together.

She wanted to see how he would react.

Kenneth raised his glass to Sarah.

Sarah checked Miley out and said, "I've seen that lady before. She's Miss Isabella. Who is this one?"

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