72. I'm Your Husband!

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Daren pointed in the direction of Kenneth and said to Adam, "Mr. Jones, look! That is the man who hit me."

Only then did Kenneth straighten his suit and walk over.

Adam said with a smile, "Hi, we meet again."

Kenneth nodded politely, "I seem to have caused you trouble today."

"The child's mother was a little angry. I hope this is the end. From now on, you never hit Daren."

Kenneth raised his eyebrows. "What a pity. But I'm a man of responsibility. Where's the mother?"

"She went home to prepare the meal," Adam said as if he was talking about his wife preparing his meal at home.

His tone offended Kenneth.

"I'd like to apologize over a dinner."

"Don't bother. The mother wants to let it go."

As soon as Adam finished speaking, he nodded to Kenneth and carried the child into the car.

Kenneth didn't turn back into his car until watching Adam leave.

A stern look froze on his face.

Stanley had a lot to report.

However, Kenneth's cold expression silenced him.

Mr. Moore's displeasure was patently obvious.

He should be careful.

On the halfway, Kenneth suddenly looked up at the mirror and said, "Stanley, did I do something wrong?"

Stanley was stunned for a moment, "How could that be?"

"Then why is Miley avoiding me? Why is it so hard to read a woman?" sighed Kenneth.

"Perhaps she didn't do it on purpose. Don't be overthinking, Mr. Moore."

Kenneth sneered, did he?

He didn't think so....

It was a little gloomy the following day.

Miley sent Daren to kindergarten early in the morning to prevent the traffic jam on a rainy day.

At the entrance, she watched Jessica bring Daren into the classroom.

She didn't leave until she repeated to the teacher not to let anyone except her pick up the child.

Just as she pulled the door of her car, a black Bentley parked opposite her suddenly opened its door.

A steady man dressed in a black suit walked out of the car.

The man watched her from afar, and her eyes met his gaze.

The familiar appeared wonderfully strange.

Miley stared at the man, Kenneth.

Kenneth also looked back at her.

It was like thousands of years had passed.

His eyes told that he missed her terribly.

He wanted to rush over and hug her immediately.

After five years, he finally found her again.

As for Miley, she had thought about what would happen when they met again - perhaps she would run away or burst into tears.

But none of that happened.

A light rain suddenly began to fall, wetting Miley's hair.

She opened the door when the raindrops fell on her face and quietly got in the car.

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