112. The Truth!!

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They arrived at the hospital.

After a series of examinations, the doctor said, "She showed signs of miscarriage. But nothing serious. She should stay in bed and rest more. Don't be tired or do any intense exercise. And don't consummate for the first three months. Most importantly, don't get angry, or it will have a serious impact."

The doctor said that she could go home, but Kenneth said coldly, "Stay in the hospital. Make sure she's fine before leaving."

Director Rojas hurriedly said, "No problem. I'll arrange special care for Mrs. Moore right now."

After the medical staff left, Kenneth sat down beside Miley, "What happened? Why did you suddenly bleed? Did you do something?"

Miley said guiltily, "I saw the photo of Brenna on your desk. The robbery five years ago was really not an accident."

She told Kenneth the clues she had found.

Kenneth's face darkened.

"Damn Brenna! What's it got to do with you? It's about your parents and her mother!"

"It's not."

Kenneth looked at her, "What?"

Miley nodded.

Five years ago, when she was still a reporter, she found that Brenna was dating a married man.

Miley knew that the man had a wife and children.

Although she hated Brenna, Brenna was still her half-sister.

Miley couldn't just sit back.

So, she told Harold.When Harold and his wife knew about this, they wouldn't allow that to happen.

However, Brenna was already pregnant and refused to break up with that man.

Then, the man's wife found out.

She beat Brenna in public and asked the man to make a choice.

In order to save his marriage, the man slapped Brenna in front of everyone and said that it was Brenna who seduced him.

Brenna was shameless and destroyed his family.

Brenna's relationship was over.

Miley never thought that Brenna would give birth to the child.

She also blamed Miley for stopping her.

It has been five years.

Kenneth rubbed her hand and said, "Don't worry. Leave this to me."

Miley tried her best to calm down, "Brenna cannot complete the plan by herself. Someone was helping her."


Kenneth stared.

"Think about it. The robbers didn't seem to know where we were. If Lily hadn't been kidnapped, you wouldn't have tried to save her and we couldn't have been found. Because the robbers were after jewelry."

"Even if they knew Brenna, it all seemed so coincidental. We went out that day, then they kidnapped Lily, and you went out to save her..."

"You mean Lily did it on purpose?"

Miley bit her lips and sighed, "It's just a guess, but I really don't think it's that simple."

"She wouldn't do that, would she?"

Kenneth crossed his arms.

"I think the simplest way is to ask Lily. Stanley can do this. If it is true, she might be willing to tell Stanley."

Kenneth raised his eyes, "Alright, I'll ask Stanley to do this."

The next afternoon, Kenneth and Stanley returned from prison.

Miley's gaze fell on them. "Any news from the prison?"

Kenneth said calmly, "That's why we came so early. Stanley, tell her."

Stanley stepped forward and said, "Mrs. Moore, you are right."

Miley felt a relief, "Lily admitted it?"

"Yes, she didn't want to at first, but later on, Brenna was arrested. Mr. Moore had been investigating her, so Brenna confessed and said that Lily was responsible for all of this. I said that I wanted to help her. And Lily told me then."

"Lily said that she did plan with Brenna. To avoid being caught, she and Brenna acted separately. Brenna found the robbers, and lily led you to the restaurant. "

Miley thought about it.

It made sense.

That day, Lily said that she wanted to treat them for dinner.

She also picked the place.

Lily said that there was a jewelry show, and they went to see it before going upstairs.

Not long after, Lily went to the restroom.

The robbers came for the jewelry, but accidentally robbed Lily.

Such a plan!

How did they come up with this?

Miley looked at Kenneth and Stanley, "How could she know Brenna? I can't connect them together. They didn't have any relationships but they still work well. I don't know what to say."

Kenneth said calmly, "They don't know each other. There is someone who connected them."


Stanley opened his bag and pulled out some documents, "It was Sarah, who hated her five years ago."

Miley's heart was in turmoil.

Sarah and Brenna, they were both girlfriend of Gabriel now, weren't they?

Stanley handed Miley some photographs and evidence.

Miley took it and viewed.

Most of these photos were obtained from the clubhouse Sarah frequented.

Miley flipped through.

From the style of the clothes, it should be a few years ago.

The photos were all about Sarah and Brenna or Sarah and Lily.

Miley looked at Kenneth and Stanley in surprise.

"Don't they like the same man? Can you understand? How did they get along?"

"I don't understand either."

Stanley shook his head.

"Today, Lily said that the three of them became friends because they had a common goal. Lily liked Mr. Moore, Sarah liked Gabriel and Brenna hated you. And you were their problem. Actually, you were the main reason they colluded."

"Lily regretted it. She had no idea Sarah could be so cruel at such a young age. People in show business are really not simple."


Miley clenched her fists and looked at Kenneth, "Looks like I have to do something..."

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