73. This Check Was Meant to Send a Beggar Away!

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Kenneth became suspicious.

He was thinking about Miley's words...

Did she really lose her memory?

"I don't believe that a wealthy man would abandon his wife unless I was your mistress. Why, you have divorced your wife and plan to marry me? I don't think so. I think I'm a kind woman. I'm not so despicable as to destroy your marriage."

While Kenneth was frowning with pain, Miley pulled open the door, got into the car and locked the door.

Kenneth sighed.

Was it really that simple?

However, Kenneth had finally found Miley.

Whether she really lost her memory or pretended to be, he wouldn't let go of her this time.

Watching Miley leave in the rain, Kenneth walked back to his car.

He asked Stanley, "Have you investigated Adam thoroughly?"

Stanley closed the umbrella, got in the car, and picked up a file folder.

"Yes, Mr. Moore."

Adam was the chief physician of the Department of Brain Surgery of G City Central Hospital.

He was the youngest chief physician of the hospital.

He was also a visiting professor at G City Medical University.

It was said that his classes were so popular that almost no student was absent.

At the same time, he was the son of the Jones Media's founder.

"The TV station that Miss White works for now belongs to the Jones Media. I don't know if Miss White works here because of Adam. However, Adam and his father had always been at odds. When Adam was 14 years old, he was sent by his father to study abroad. His father has been widowed for six years and has never remarried. It is said that he is dedicated to his dead wife. Now he is the number one bachelor voted by women in G City."


After work, Miley drove to pick up her son Daren.

After stopping her car, Miley looked around to make sure that the black Bentley Kenneth drove was not around.

Then she got off the car.

This day.

Daren was in a good mood today and jumped all the way upstairs.

After Miley and Daren left, an Audi, which had been following them into the community, stopped.

The car door was opened and Kenneth got off.

He walked into the building which Miley and her son went into and watched as the elevator stopped on the ninth floor.

Miley was still so careless.

Kenneth put on a faint smile and left.

After returning home, Miley cooked a lot of delicious food for Daren.

Daren sat on the sofa, watching a cartoon with a new Transformers toy in his hands.

Miley shouted to Daren, "Dinner is ready."

Daren skillfully paused the cartoon and ran to the table.

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

Three men were at the door.

Miley asked, "Gentlemen, can I help you?"

"You must be Katherine Davis."

"What can I do for you?"

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