83. Kenneth, You Are Such a Bastard!

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Miley was astonished.Director Sam said excitedly, "Katherine, you just came back and didn't know that Mr. Moore had bought our TV station. He is our new leader."

"After he took office, the first thing he did was to give each of us a 20% increase in salary. Now everyone is so excited that they want to work hard."

Miley should be very excited to hear about the salary increase.

At this moment, Kenneth was on the stage, delivering his inaugural speech with high spirits.

She had the urge to go up and give him a slap.

Kenneth, this bastard, had never said that he was the one who bought the TV station!

They chatted, and soon, a beauty walked into the door.

"Hello, everyone. I am Mr. Moore's secretary. I am here to announce the transfer of personnel in your group."

"Wow, Mr. Moore's secretary is so beautiful."

Miley gave him an angry stare.

Kenneth was shameless.The secretary nodded with a smile, "Thank you."

"Who is going to be transferred?"

Director Sam was more concerned about this.

"Katherine, congratulations. You've been promoted to Mr. Moore's personal assistant."

"Wow... Katherine, how lucky you are!"

"Katherine, we'd appreciate your help in the future."

"Katherine, I don't want you to go."


Miley had no interest in this kind of promotion, "Director Sam, you go ahead. I'll go and take a look."

She pushed open the door a bit angrily.

Kenneth seemed to be waiting for her.He was sitting in his chair with his legs crossed on the desk, "Sit down."

Miley wouldn't be so obedient. She walked straight to Kenneth.

"Kenneth, what do you want?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you buy our TV station? Why did you want me to be your assistant?"

Kenneth said straightforwardly, "I bought the TV station because I wanted to pursue you again. I wanted you to be my assistant because I do lack a smart assistant in the job. In my opinion, you are competent to it."

Miley clenched her fists and said, "I don't want to be your assistant. You're so rich. It's easy for you to find an assistant. Why does it have to be me?"

"Because I like it. It's pleasant to work with the person I like!"

Kenneth looked at her with a crafty smile.

"What, you're afraid that you'll fall in love with me again, so you don't dare to work with me?"

Miley raised her eyebrows and said, "Not like that."

"Then why don't you dare?"

"Who says I don't dare? I just don't want to!" Miley said seriously.

"I just don't want to work with you."

"Then you can resign. I won't stop you!"

Kenneth laughed evilly.

Miley gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, "I will resign."

'So what if I quit? At most ... I don't have any income?'

Miley turned around and left. Standing by the elevator, she knocked on her head dejectedly.

She still needed to raise a child.

This job was by far her favorite and the highest paid one...

She took a deep breath, turned around, and pushed open the door of Kenneth's office again.

She rushed to his desk and pointed at his face with her right hand. "Kenneth, you're such a bastard."

"I'm human."

Kenneth smiled.

"Have you thought it through?"

"Where do I work?" she shouted.

Hearing this, the secretary at the door couldn't help but gasped.

She dared to yell at Mr. Moore. That was really... amazing.

"In my office." Kenneth smiled with satisfaction.


Miley was shocked, "Kenneth, you want too much."

"What is too much? Since you are my personal assistant, you have to stay with me all the time."

A liar...

"Mr. Moore, the guest is here."

There was a knock at the door.Miley raised her eyebrows, "I'll go out."

"Aren't you going to ask who the guest is?"

Miley exhaled, "Is this my job? Mr. Moore, may I ask who the guest is?"

"Rayan Jones, Adam's father."

Miley's heart skipped a beat.

His guest was Adam's father?

Miley walked to the side. The secretary brought Rayan in.

Miley only had one feeling the first time she saw Rayan.

He seemed to be like the gangsters in the Hong Kong gangster movies she watched when she was a child.

It was hard for her to imagine that this man was Adam's father.

If you had to find something, they still had something in common.

The man had sharp eyes when he took off his sunglasses.

Kenneth stood up and adjusted his sleeves, "Miley, go get some tea."

Miley immediately nodded and left the room.

Kenneth walked up to Rayan and said, "Rayan, welcome back."

"Well, the project I'm working on is currently being financed. I'm very short of money, so I'm thinking that do you have any plans to invest?"

When Kenneth bought the TV station, he had already asked Stanley to do some investigation about Rayan.It was common for him to snatch back the assets he had sold.

If he hadn't been mentally prepared, Kenneth would have felt that Rayan's request was very unreasonable.

"I really sympathize with you. However, I don't have any thoughts of investment now."

Rayan smiled coldly, "I've got a plan. There's nothing I can do if you reject me. Why don't you return the TV station to me?"

"Sure, Mr. Jones, but please first return all the money I have allocated to you and transfer it to my account. Then I will leave here immediately."

Rayan raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Oh, it seems Mr. Moore knows me quite well."

Of course, he was always well prepared.

"Not like that. This is the common sense that humans should have. You said that you were raising money recently, and you must be short of money now. It also means that you have already used the money I paid for the TV station."

"If I return the TV station to you, how will you return the money? A debt? As far as I know, you have a large amount of debts now. Hundreds of millions of dollars isn't much to me, but I also don't want to waste it."

"I'm a real businessman. Your trick doesn't work with me. Besides, Mr. Jones, you should know that your enemy just happens to be my good friend. If you really confront me, are you sure that you will be the winner?"

"Kenneth, you're not the only one who can find an ally."

Kenneth sneered, "Gabriel? Mr. Jones, you don't really know him."

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