115. Is His Uncle Really Mentally Ill?

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Gabriel said calmly, "Although Sarah's songs are not good in recent years, I still believe in the power of her voice. I will no doubt admire such a singer."

The host continued to ask, "I can tell that Mr. Robinson admires Sarah very much. Is it possible for you to become lovers?"

"No, admiration and love are different. Sarah is not my type."

Gabriel's smile and voice were always so charming.

"But I've seen photos of you and Sarah on today's news. You seemed to be very intimate."

"When these photos were taken, we had friends with us. How could I flirt with her in front of so many people? Sarah has signed a contract to be our spokesperson. If people infer from these photos that I'm having an affair with her, then I can only say that they are follies!"

Gabriel curled up his lips slightly.

Gabriel responded to the PR crisis with an elegant and graceful manner on the TV.

Kenneth let go of Miley's embrace and smiled, "Gabriel handled this crisis quite well."

"However, when Sarah sees the news, she might feel bad, right?"

Kenneth sneered, "I assume that Sarah will be hospitalized again in less than three days."

"Why so?"

"She tends to deny the scandal with this method."

Kenneth looked at Miley with a sneer, "I guess it won't be far from Sarah being forced out again."

Miley lowered her head and smiled.

Sarah was no longer popular.

If she was forced out, it basically meant she was abandoned by Gabriel.

It was like that he career was destroyed by Gabriel.

She deserved it.

As Kenneth said, Sarah went to the hospital the third day after the scandal.

Sarah was really hospitalized.

And coincidentally, Sarah stayed in the same hospital as Miley.

When Amy came to see Miley that day, she said mysteriously, "Mrs. Moore, there are many reporters downstairs. Perhaps a celebrity is hospitalized here."

Amy didn't love stars, so she would never know that the celebrity was just a female star.


Miley was looking through the news on her phone.

Not long after, Amy thought of something and said, "Well, Mrs. Moore, I received a package for you when I was about to leave home today. It came from G City. I put the package in your room."

"All right. That is nutritional supplements sent by my friend."

Janice called her in the morning.

She said she started working there.

And she was slowly getting her life back on track.

She visited the doctor every month.

She would buy nutritional supplements for Miley when she bought hers.

Miley never declined her gifts. After all, it was Janice's thought that counted.

Janice said that on the first day she moved there, a man knocked.

When she opened the door, the man looked very disappointed when he saw her.

The man asked her who she was and why she lived here.

Janice explained that she was a friend of the homeowner.

She stayed there during pregnancy.

The man left in disappointment.

He ignored Janice when she asked him about his name.

Miley thought that man might be Adam.

He went there the first day Janice arrived.

Was it a coincidence?

Or would he go to take a look every day?

Miley still felt a little guilty about Adam.

It had been a long time since she had called him.

Adam didn't reach her, either.

They seemed to have disappeared in each other's world.The next day, Sarah was discharged from the hospital.

Since Sarah was suddenly hospitalized, she got substituted for many jobs.

Meanwhile, she gradually stopped being the spokesperson in many advertisements on TV.

Without any sign, she was absent from the public view.

At first, her fans were leaving messages on the Internet.

However, that was useless.

After all, she was abandoned by her boss.

Miley was discharged from the hospital after about two weeks when her baby's condition was stable.

Hannah came to visit Miley again today.

Hannah and Jeffrey just got married.

They were old enough to make such a decision on their own soon after they fell in love.

They had been preparing for their wedding lately.

Since Jeffrey was just too busy with his work, Miley was checking the wedding procedures for him.

Hannah was still speaking on the phone when she entered the room. She looked quite excited.

Miley immediately knew that she was speaking to Janice.

Hannah was a straightforward and easygoing person.

Janice simply treated Hannah as her own sister.

While chatting, Hannah suddenly shouted, "Listen to me. Ignore him. Just ignore him. I'll book a plane ticket to pick you up right now. What? Alright, remember that you must be careful. Don't be cheated by him."

Miley asked after Hannah hung up the phone, "Did Janice meet Gabriel?"

"Janice said that she accidentally ran into him. She pretended not to see him, but I don't think so."

Hannah casually threw her phone to the side, "I really don't understand. What do you think Gabriel is thinking?"

"Gabriel saw Janice, right?"

"Janice said so. She turned around immediately but Gabriel caught up to her, saying he wanted to have dinner with her. Janice rejected him out of fear."

Miley pursed his lips and snorted.

Hannah asked in puzzle, "What are you laughing at? Do I need to take Janice back to New York for the time being?"

Miley patted her head and said, "In my opinion, you should step aside. Do you really think that Janice met Gabriel by chance? Don't worry, Janice is a smart girl. If she is in danger, she will definitely call for help."

"That's true."

Miley smiled and suddenly asked, "Well, Hannah, I want to ask you something. Is Kenneth's uncle really mentally ill?"

Hearing Miley mentioning Kenneth's uncle, Hannah was slightly surprised, "Didn't Kenneth tell you?"

Miley shrugged, "No."

Since Miley was truly curious, Hannah pursed her lips and said unwillingly, "Well ... I'll tell you a little bit. If you want to know all about it, ask Kenneth. If I'd tell you more, I'm afraid Kenneth will hate me."

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