94. It Turned Out She Was Wrong!

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A warm voice came from above. Miley looked up.

She could only see the dazzling sunlight coming above Kenneth's head.

Kenneth grabbed her with one hand and held the rock tightly with the other hand.

He knew that he couldn't hold for long in such posture.

Miley found if he let go of her hand, he could climb onto the rock and then be safe.

Miley held back her fear firmly and shouted angrily, "Kenneth, let me go. I don't need you to pull me. I don't want you to save me."

"Shut up. You're heavy."

Kenneth tried to find a way to save them.

Miley saw that his hand was losing grip and hurriedly said, "Kenneth, let me go. Otherwise, you will die. I don't want you to die."

Kenneth forced a smile, "With you, I'm not afraid of death."

Miley was touched.

Her tears gushed out continually.

She endured her worries and said, "If we all died, how does Daren live? Our child can't be an orphan. Kenneth, let me go."

She couldn't implicate Kenneth.

She couldn't let Kenneth die for her.

No, she couldn't.

"Five years ago, I got the wrong person and failed to take you out of the restaurant. I lost you and suffered for five years. Miley, I'm not young now. I don't have that much time to waste. I can't let you go. Even if I died, I can't!"

Kenneth's words moved Miley, as well as Ally, who was still grabbing onto the rock.

Ally looked up and shouted with all her might, "Help! Is anyone here? Help! Someone's trapped! Help!"

Hearing her shouts for help, Miley gradually became confused.

What did Kenneth say?

He got the wrong person five years ago?

What did that mean?

Kenneth was still struggling, but he couldn't stop his fingers from inching downwards.

Miley knew that she could no longer hesitate.

"Kenneth, what do you mean you got the wrong person five years ago?"

Miley was a little anxious."I didn't mean to leave you in the restaurant five years ago. You were standing beside me. It was chaotic and I pulled the hand next me and ran out. I thought it was yours. But when I went out, I realized I was holding Lily's hand."

Miley's eyes welled up in tears.

She could not even see his face clearly.

She lived in sadness for five years.

She hated him for five years.

It turned out she was wrong.

He didn't do it on purpose. He didn't abandon her.

He didn't.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? Kenneth, you bastard. We had been together for so long, why do you tell me about this until now?"

"I'm afraid you would think it's my excuse. After all, it was my fault. I failed to take you out. I was the one who broke the promise. I said I could protect you, but I failed. I just want us to begin again when I met you again."

He took a deep breath and said, "I believe that even if I didn't tell you the truth, you would still fall in love with me again. I know that you pretend to have lost your memory. You are not good at lying. Miley, for the last time, I wonder if you still love me. Don't lie to me. I might never hear such words again in the future."

Kenneth was gripping the rock, which made him painful.

Seeing this, Miley felt nervous.

At least one of them needed to survive.

At least one."Yes, Kenneth, I didn't lose my memory. I just don't want to be hurt again. So I have been avoiding you. Now I know that you didn't abandon me. I was wrong. Kenneth, if there were any chances, I will be with you. We and Daren will live in happiness. But now..."

Miley felt bitter and painful.

If she fell into the thorn today, even if she didn't die, she would get heavy injuries.

She probably could never watch Daren growing up.

She promised Daren to take him on trips when he grew up.

She promised to play basketball with him and teach him how to ride a bicycle.

She had promised Daren a lot of things.

But now it seemed that she would fail him.Kenneth forced a smile, "Don't be afraid. I will be with you, no matter we are going to survive or not."

"I had promised Daren a lot of things, but I might not be able to fulfill them. Kenneth, if you feel you owe me, then help me with these promises. If I..."

"Miley, you must do it yourself."

Miley shook her head.

There were some things that if she didn't say now, she wouldn't have chance to say in the future, "If I really died, don't lie to him. Just tell him the truth. He has to accept the fact. Daren is a brave child. I believe he can still live a happy life in the future."

Miley made a decision.

She forcefully raised her other hand and held Kenneth's hand.

Kenneth suddenly became alert.

His voice trembled, "Miley, what are you doing? Don't do anything stupid!"

Miley looked at his hand that was grabbing the rock.His hand was about to slip off.

It was better she died and he survived, rather than they both died.

She got Kenneth into trouble.

If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have come here.

She might have died a few minutes ago...

Kenneth pulled her hand even more tightly.

He said firmly, "Don't do anything stupid..."

Ally was still desperately calling for help.

She was shouting herself hoarse.

Miley couldn't hold on any longer.

She looked down the thorns and then smiled at Kenneth.

Finally she closed her eyes in fear, "Kenneth, don't look at me."

She didn't want Kenneth to see her ugly look when she fell down.

Otherwise, he would be sad for the rest of his life.

She forcefully pushed away Kenneth's hand with her left hand and pulled out her right wrist.

She knew that the next moment, she would fall and be stabbed by thorns...

She could no longer imagine it, because she was falling down.


Why was Kenneth still holding her?

She opened her eyes in horror.

She saw Kenneth smiling at her.

How foolish he was! Why did he lose his grip?

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