39. Rose Clinton Disappeared!

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At 5:30 in the afternoon, Bob called Rose Clinton.

He called her twice, but no one answered.

Bob was puzzled.

She usually answered the phone quickly.

Why didn't she answer it today?

He was worried and then called her office.

The secretary answered the phone.

"Where's Mrs. Stock? Why didn't she answer my phone?"

Bob asked.

The secretary immediately said, "Mr. Stock, Mrs. Stock has left at 4:30."

Bob stood up with a serious look in his eyes and said coldly, "She has left? Where did she go? Did she go home?"

The secretary said respectfully, "I'm sorry, Mr. Bob. Well ... Mr. Rose didn't say it. She just told me that I could get off work on time and she wouldn't come back today."

Bob shifted his eyes slightly.

Did she go home?

He said in a deep voice, "Keep calling her. If you get through to her, ask her to call me back."


After Bob hung up the phone, he was not in the mood for working.

He went downstairs and drove home, but Nancy told him that Rose Clinton had never come back.

Bob stared and raised his wrist to look at his watch.

She left at 4:30.

How could she not be home by 6:00?

Did she conceal her discomfort from him again?

Bob was really worried and called Rose Clinton again.

But either the line was busy or no one answered.

Then he called Rose Clinton's secretary again.

The secretary couldn't get through to Rose Clinton, either.

Bob didn't intend to wait any longer.

He sent people to investigate Rose Clinton's route after leaving the company and Sage's current whereabouts.

That was because the secretary said that she went to Rose Clinton's office to deliver documents before Rose Clinton left, and at that time, Rose Clinton was on the phone with Sage ...

It was very unsettling news that Rose Clinton had talked with Sage on the phone.

It was known that Sage led a very miserable existence at present.

She might do something crazy.

Without waiting for the secretary to reply, Bob couldn't wait any longer.

Waiting at home made him more anxious.

He simply took the car keys and went out, intending to personally drive out to look for her.

However, just as he was out of the villa's gate and was about to get in the car, a taxi stopped at the gate.

Rose Clinton got out of the car with two grocery bags of vegetables in her hands.

Seeing Bob, Rose Clinton asked in surprise, "Bob? Why are you back so early?"

Bob was anxious.

He took the plastic bags in her hands and put them on the ground quickly.

Then he hugged her tightly and said, "Where have you been? I'm so worried about you."

Rose Clinton said with a puzzled frown on her face, "I went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables."

"You ..."

Bob let go of her and was speechless.

"Then why didn't you answer my phone? Do you know how many times we've called you?"

Bob asked.

Rose Clinton frowned, "It's my fault. I'm absent-minded and always forget something recently. Originally, I really wanted to eat boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili, so I went to buy some ingredients in the supermarket to cook for you personally. But when I got off the car, I stupidly left my bag and phone in the car. Fortunately, I still have some money in my coat pocket. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed today."

A smile touched the corners of her mouth.

She pointed at the taxi and said, "I can't open my car door, so I left it in the underground parking garage of the supermarket. Then I took a taxi back. Please pay the taxi fare for me."

Bob didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After paying the money, he let the taxi driver leave first.

He called the secretary to let them stop looking for her.

Then, he walked home with bags of vegetable in one hand and put the other arm around Rose Clinton's shoulders.

As he walked, he said, "If it happens again, you should call me. Don't make me so worried."

Rose Clinton couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, I'm old enough. Don't worry. It's fine."

"Your secretary said that you talked to Sage on the phone. How would I know if that woman would plot against you?"

Rose Clinton raised her eyebrows when he mentioned this matter.


She truly had a malicious plot!

However ...

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